chapter - 33

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Next morning
Author's pov,

They got up and started checking the luggage again and packed all the things and we're ready to go and then they went to do their breakfast and after giving the salaries to the maids they left the house and left to goo airport...and meanwhile y/n was talking to her mom...

They went and sat on their places and departure to go South Korea again....

Taehyung's pov,

We were sitting peacefully and I was listening song...and was seeing outside the plain to enjoy the secens and suddenly I felt a weight on my shoulder and the person was my wifey ....

Kissed her forehead and stared at her face.....and after sometime I also slept....

At evening we got up and ordered our food and eat  it and then y/n was watching k-drama and I was doing my office work....
Then I got cAll from my mom and talked to her and then I called my  hyungs and talked to them and they are having their plain at night...

After sometime having our dinner we slept morning we got up and went to our home ...

The doors of our mansion opened and mom came out and hugged y/n

Taehyung: am I invisible?

Dad: no my son...come to me

I went and hugged dad and we all went inside and me and y/n went to our room and after getting fresh we went down and had our breakfast. ......

The maid served the foods and we ate out breakfast and all went to their rooms and me and y/n started unpacking our stuff...and then we slept cause we were tired.........

Author's pov,

3months after......

Y/n's pov,

I was in my office talking to my secretary....and suddenly I started feeling breathless and also i am not having my periods on time like last month I had my periods and this month I didn't and I told this all to jisoo unnie and she told me to meet her in xxx,after doing my work I went to the hospital and find jisoo unnie sitting there I went and hugged her and then we went to meet the doctor...

Doctor: good morning

Y/n: good morning

Doctor: - good morning miss kim

Jisoo:- good morning

Doctor:- reason for coming?

Y/n: actually doctor I am feeling breathing and I feel like my head is spinning around.....

I told all my problems to doctor

Doctor: ohk...after listening to your problems I guess you should do pregnancy test .

I was way too shocked

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