Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Ezri's POV

It's been a long day of meeting and we were only halfway done. We were having our monthly company meeting, where all the different departments had to gather and present their monthly report. It's long and tedious but it was necessary to keep everyone in check.

Naomi usually handles the things that are in the office, I usually handle things that are out of the office. We've been working that way ever since we started. I would say we complement each other very well.

Even so, I have to attend all of these meetings. It wouldn't look professional if even the CEO of her own company didn't attend. I had to leave early this morning and didn't manage to have breakfast with Cameron. I find myself thinking about her more and more nowadays. After Amelia, I had completely closed off my walls and she doesn't seem to have a problem going through them like it wasn't even there.

After a few warnings here and there, we finally have our lunch break. I headed back into the office and Naomi followed suit. I immediately sank into my chair while she was still pacing back and forth. I find my mind have drifted back to Cameron, wondering how she is. Is she having a hard time working in the cafe?

Naomi's sudden outburst brought my distracted mind back to the office "E! Earth to E! Are you even listening to a word I have just said?"

"How far do you think the cafe is from here?" I asked. Naomi already know that Cameron was working in a cafe. Well, she practically knew everything about me even things I wasn't even aware about yet.

Naomi shook her head "Go E, just go. Talking to you is practically impossible right now. Go see your girl and come back with your mind intact, we still have to continue the meeting later." She lifted her hand and massaged her temple.

I smiled and grabbed my coat. I brought my wrist up to my face to check the time, there's still another hour left. That would do. My smile grew wider.

Naomi uttered an 'unbelievable' under her breath and continued to bury herself in files that were submitted earlier.

I quickly made my way to the cafe, which was only 2 blocks away. I could reach there in 10 minutes if I hurry.


Cameron's POV

I didn't get to have breakfast with Ezri today, she had to rush to work, saying there was this big monthly meeting. I wonder what I can do to cheer her up later, she must be very tired from work.

Max broke my trail of thoughts when he called my name "Hey Cam, come have a sip of this coffee I just brewed." Placing a small testing glass on the table. I was just about done cleaning the tables when he called.

As I walked to the counter, Hailey was eyeing me weirdly and kept raising her eyebrows up and down at me. I didn't quite get where she was getting at. Then Mia nudged Hailey with her elbow and pulled her away.

"Is this a new recipe?" I said while sniffing the coffee, and taking little sips.

"Do you like it?" Max was cleaning his hands when he answered. Before I managed to respond, Hailey cupped her face and placed her elbow on the counter pouting while looking at me "Why didn't Mia or I get to have a cup?"

Taken aback by her words, I choked on the coffee and let out a few cough. Max immediately walked out of the counter and took some napkins with him while he guided me to the nearest chair. He softly patted my back and handed me the napkins.

"You okay there Cam?" He was still patting my back, trying to get a better look at me.

Still coughing "I'm good", I let out in between coughs.

Then the bell to the door rang, indicating there was a customer. Everyone eyed the door because it was unusual to have customers at this hour of the day, then I saw Ezri coming in. She didn't say she was visiting, I got so excited and immediately stood up and walked towards her.

"Hey Ez, what brought you here!" I sounded excited and it didn't bother me if they knew.

Ezri smiled with those crescent eyes and deep dimples "To visit you of course." Her eyes were still on me as I wiped away the coffee stains on my apron.

She reached out and wiped the corner of my mouth. She caught me off-guard and my body just froze. Our eyes met and a second later she pulled away. She gracefully moved passed me and began to look around the cafe. When our eyes met just now, I feel little butterflies starting to emerge. I still stood there stunned.


Ezri's POV

What did you just do Ezri! You're gonna scare the girl away, I hit my own hand. It was like it had a brain of its own just now. I slowly made my way to the counter "Can I have an ice americano?"

"You and Cam are..?" The girl with the name tag Hailey asked extending her 'are' a little longer while waiting for my answer.

"We're..." looking at Cameron before I say anything, she was also looking at me for an answer "housemates. We're housemates." Giving a little smile when I answered her question.

I could see the other person that was working behind the counter was already making my drink and I just handed my card to Hailey. There was an awkward silence for a while.

"Cameron's housemate. Do you happen to have a name?" Hailey diffused the tension that was starting to build up in the room.

"Where are my manners, I'm Ezri. Ezri Wallace, but just call me Ezri." I quickly extended a hand out to shake her hand. " I'm Hailey, that's Mia." Mia with her back still to me just raised her hand giving a waving motion. "And that's Max the owner of this place." I gave max a nod.

Hailey handed my card back and Cameron followed me to sit in the corner of the cafe that was directly beside the large glass window with natural sunlight shining in.


Hailey's POV

I stood beside Mia, eyes still staring at how Ezri and Cameron were talking. They seemed very close "Are you sure they are just friends?" I whispered to Mia.

She took a glance then shrugged her shoulders. Continue cleaning the counter. "Hey Ezri, are you single?" I asked while leaning against the counter. She's hot and who wouldn't fall for that. Then I realised Cameron was giving me an eerie glare. Your girl is jealous.

Ezri laughed "I am." Then took a sip of her coffee. This was my chance "Can I court you?" half saying it cause I really wanted to try court her and half of it I just wanted to see how Cameron would react.

Cameron's small smile now all vanished. Ezri cleared her throat "You've got to ask the girl in front of me." Taking another sip of her coffee while looking at the table.

I didn't expect that answer from her. My mouth opened wide, while accidentally let out a squeal and Cameron's face flash red.

All eyes were on them now. Max and Mia also turned their heads towards them. I wanted to continue to tease her then Mia's palm was already on my mouth. That's my queue to shut it.

Max with a coffee in his hand, walked towards Cameron. I don't remember having any other additional orders. He placed the cup in front of Cameron, it is a cup of Latte with a heart-shaped art drawn on it.

Cameron looked confused "I didn't ask for..." Max cut in "I've made this for you." Max continued to talk to Cameron, it was too soft to make out what they were talking about. In the meantime, I see how Ezri's expression changed. She seemed jealous with a tinge of hurt in her expression, but she didn't do anything to stop it. Ezri just stared out the window and drank her coffee.

Leaning onto Mia "I wish one day someone will look at me like how Ezri looks at Cam." While letting out a sigh. Mia crossed her arm and just shook her head "This just got so much more interesting." Seeing how obviously Ezri likes Cameron but how Max is also trying to win her over. Hope it doesn't end badly.

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