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His laughter filled the room, bouncing off the walls and reverberating all around the Palace of Astrum. The trailblazers were all left with dropped jaws and wide eyes, and Jing Yuan couldn't have asked for a better reaction. "I jest, but only to some degree. Please don't look so astounded to hear such a declaration. It is true that I place Y/n as one of my highest priorities, but what kind of general would I be to let my emotions get the best of me?" He stood before them with his arms crossed, a closed-eye smile adorning his beautifully pale skin, "If you seek the one we have detained, you will need to discuss further actions with our Master Diviner, Fu Xuan. Her plan was to interrogate the prisoner using our Matrix of Prescience. To reach her, the best route would be through Exalting Sanctum to the Divination Commission. If any Cloud Knights try to stop you, tell them you are esteemed guests of the Luofu." He explained and looked over the faces of the Trailblazers one more time before turning his back on them.

"W-Wait! What about Y/n? She isn't with us, obviously, but she is on the Express! I'm sure she would love to see you again, but we left her there for her own safety." Stelle spoke up and placed a hand over her heart, her stoic expression contorting into that of a worried one. "Ah, yes. I believe that was the right call to make, seeing how dangerous things have gotten here on the Luofu. I will be sure to pay a visit as soon as possible. Thank you for holding her best interest." He nodded firmly and started to leave, but was stopped yet again but a curious outworlder. "Who are you to Y/n exactly?" Caelus asked and March gave him an annoyed side-eye as if the answer wasn't obvious to everyone but him.

Jing Yuan paused and his shoulders rolled back to show that the question had gained all of his attention. He turned his head and eyed the boy with an amused smirk, "She is my destiny." He left a vague answer before leaving the palace altogether. The tension in the palace was immediately dispersed and everyone went back to working on whatever it was they were doing. "Oh, my~ Lucky Benefactors! You just met General Jing Yuan in person! What an honor, truly! To think he typically shows up via holograph." Tingyun snickered behind her fan, her emerald eyes reflecting a cheeky and playful expression. Even Yukong let out a sigh and she shook her head, "The news of Y/n's return put him in high spirits. I apologize if it didn't seem as though he was taking you all seriously. The general can be quite... coy if given the means to do so." She explained softly.

"Who knew Y/n had such an effect on people!" March placed her hand on her hips with a grin, "And to think she had a relationship with the general of the Luofu! I wonder how she's doing now." Welt shepherded the trio of teens and shook his head, "We can ponder the details and get a move on March. Let's make our way to Master Diviner Fu Xuan." Stelle was out the palace doors first, wasting no time to get a peak of the outside again. March and Caelus were right behind her, gossiping about their newfound information, much to Caelus' dismay. "Oh! I will lead the way, dear Benefactors~!" Tingyun came rushing down the stairs and joined Welt as he held the door open for her.


"Annnnd~ We've arrived! This dock should take us to Stargazer Navalia, though I wish we could bypass it and head straight for Starskiff Haven..." Sushang huffed and placed her hands on her hips. She looked at the empty dock and gave it a firm nod, "Now, we just wait!" Luocha walked up beside her and analyzed the vacant space with a soft sigh, "Miss Sushang, why are you the only Cloud Knight out here on patrol?" He asked and she gave his question some thought.

"Honestly... I'm not sure. I initially came out here to do some scouting because I'm not stationed in this neck of the woods. But since the danger levels have peaked, I was pulled from Yinque to come aid the frontlines!" She explained with a proud grin on her face, "I just hope that I can be of use in the end. That is what I've been training for after all." Luocha hummed and gently sat his coffin on the ground, leaning against it lightly as to not put too much weight on it. "I admire your nobility. Such a trait is uncommon these days. I pray that you only see good fortune in your coming future." He smiled, his back turned to her. Sushang opened her mouth to respond, but ultimately decided against it and gave a faint smile.

"Haha! March can be a handful, yes, but she only means well. I know it's hard to convince yourself that sometimes, but I've been with her for a while. I'd rather her have a personality than none at all." Dan Heng laughed and shook his head. The shaking of his body transferred to your own and you couldn't help the giggles that came out. "Well, it would be easy for you to say that considering your... relationship." You settled down and let out a long sigh, unintentionally drawn out, but still caught his attention. He stopped walking and gently sat you back down on your feet with a furrowed brow and confusion in his eyes. "What?" You asked with a frown, his sudden movements stirring an unsettling sadness that you weren't expecting.

"Our... relationship... Why did you put it like that, Y/n? Would it bother you, if me and March were in a relationship?" His hands never left your waist and instead, he gave them a slight squeeze. It urged you closer to his body, but a nagging feeling in your heart was trying to pull you away. Your desire for an answer trumped whatever thoughts were telling you otherwise, so you leaned into his embrace and pursed your lips with a slight pout. Dan Heng looked somewhat amused for a second before taking ahold of your chin and lifting it ever so slightly in his direction. His touch in such a spot so close to your lips made your insides flutter. The feeling of his finger resting slightly below your lips made you want to obey any and every command that came out of his.

What... What is he doing to me?

"Are you jealous of the relationship I have with March 7th?" Such a simple question left you feeling complicated inside. You had to think it over, ponder for a second, minutes maybe. You needed to form a perfectly honest answer and tell him straight up. "N-No. Why would I be jealous?" That was the wrong answer to his question. Am I jealous of them? I'm sure if I told him I was he wouldn't even do anything about it. I'm no one special to him. You bit down on your lip as the thoughts came rushing in to pull you back into reality. You were about to break away from his embrace when his response made you stop dead in your tracks.

"Don't be jealous, Y/n. We're like siblings. I was hoping for something more with you." He held your head in place and whispered his last sentence in your ear, sending waves of chills down your spine and a flurry of steaming red to coat your cool cheeks. You were left speechless, and Dan Heng took great pleasure in seeing you in such a state. He now had a full scope of just how much his words affected you. It was just up to you whether or not you believe them.

"Y/n! What're you doing just standing there?" Sushang's voice broke you from his hypnosis and you whipped your head in her direction. She was waving at you with a big smile on her face, Luocha and Dan Heng both standing behind her waiting for you to catch up. Off in the distance, you could see an approaching Starskiff, and you inhaled sharply, the butterflies in your stomach refusing to subside. "S-Sorry! I'm coming now!" You laughed nervously and hurried to catch up to them, just in time for the speeding Starskiff to dock. "Oh, this is so exciting! You'll finally get to be reunited with everyone! I can't wait to see the looks on their faces! Oh! Oh! And your face especially, haha!" She laughed and draped her arms around you excitedly, the idea alone of seeing you smile like never before making her insatiably giddy.

The Starskiff docked safely for you all to climb in, but just as you were about to, the pilot of the skiff got out briefly, and you truly believed your eyes were laying tricks on you.

"Haha! Long time no see, Y/n!"

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