How they act in a relationship?

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Remember, this is my opinion and it's ok if you don't agree with me but don't be rude if you don't agree.

He's a simp. But I feel like with all the shit he's been through, he's not easy to manipulate. He might not really know his worth (yet), but he knows his boundaries, and if you break them, he will stop to you. He would be a supportive boyfriend and would do everything in his power to make you happy and feel cared for. Basically,  you that queen treatment.

Platonic - A very chaotic friendship, basically what Monty and him have.

Romantic - Doesn't really know how to express himself at first but soon gets the hang of it.

HE WOULD BE THE ABSOLUTE SWEETHEART! He would probably act nervous around you to an extent. He would love cuddles and any sort of affection and would use your lap or chest as his pillow. Would definitely love to eat a bunch of sweets with you.

It's almost 5:00 in the morning...

I'm going to bed. I'll do a part two tonight. Night, my little pumpkins!


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