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Hi guys I hope your having a great day💗 have fun reading

(Recap: Zenistu said it out of anger,he didn't really mean it,imagine it as if when you fall and your adult says "are you stupid!?"  Yea just like that! Uzui's face looks as in shock and raised his voice saying "you wanna what!?!")


It's been 3 months since that ever happened...I never talked to Zenistu again after that... It still hurts I really loved him, my life isn't complete with out him. I try to talk to him but I just get ignored. " Zenistu-" See... He won't listen to me he just keeps walking away and ignores me... I'm starting to give up on him. There is really no point in chasing someone who's not gonna come back.


"Zenistu-" I walked away from Uzui after he said that I didn't want to listen, he was just gon beg for me back. And I know if I listen I'm going to get back with him.. but I'm still not ready to talk to him, he doesn't realize how long it takes for someone to heal fully. I still love him but it's getting kinda pathetic on how much he still trys to talk to me, I honestly don't think me and him will ever work again...


I'm not crying you are- anyways, Zenistu kept ignoring Uzui when he would try to talk to him until Zenistu realized Uzui was giving up on him slowly. One day Zenistu decided it was time for him and Uzui to finally talk ... But when he went to Uzui's place...he wasn't there... So he thought tengen would be at his friends house, Zenistu was trying to think about what to say when he got there. (20 minutes later) " oh there is the house!" Zenistu said nervously, He took a deep breath and knocked in the door knock knock.......... No one answer so he knocked again knock knock..... Again no one answered so he tried twisting the door nob and... It was open, Zenistu was complicating if he should go in inside..... So he stood there for a minute... Then moved his legs and walked in,  "ahhh~ mmmm~ yess~~~~"  Zenistu heard the noise coming from upstairs. Zenistu was about to walk out when he heard Uzui's voice "y-your good at t-t-this~" Zenistu stood there for a couple minutes and ran upstairs and slammed the door open just to see ...Uzui...and.... His best friend Tanjiro.....in bed 😨


Cliff hangerrrr🤣🤣🤣

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