Rin Sayomi

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Hey guys I'm back with a new chapter. This chapter will have a new character and it will not be one of my own OCs but it's my girlfriend's OC so I hope you like it.


"So you're telling me they're back?"Kidomaru said playing with some type of paste.

"Yeah and they killed Choji and Shiramari."I sighed.

"So that's why you called us all here."Sakon and Ukon said in unison.

"Exactly. I know I said that I no longer wanted to be apart of the gang life but this is way past the line. It's time we finish what we started."I say as I grab my jacket.

"Are we going back to meet up with him?"Tayuya asked.

"Yeah."I nodded and headed out with the gang right behind me.

~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~

"Ssso SSSakura-chan? What bringsss you and the othersss here today?"Orochimaru asked.

"We need training again. I've decided to put the gang back together."I said to Orochimaru with determination.

"I sssee."was all Orochimaru said before there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."Orochimaru said.

The door opened to reveal a raven haired teen that I didn't expect to see accompanied by a red-head, a husky teen with orange hair and a white haired flirt.

"Sakura?"Sasuke said confusion lacing his voice.

"Sasuke-kun. What are you doing here?"I asked him.

"Ah ssso my godssson and hisss team finally decided to pay me a visssit."Orochimaru sighed.

"Godson?!"I exclaimed a bit shocked.

"Look Godfather you know I've been busy."Sasuke sighed.

"Let me finish my business with SSSakura-chan than we can ssspeak SSSasssuke-kun."Orochimaru said.

"Ssso what would you like for your training?"Orochimaru asked me.

"I want to use Kabuto-nii's stimulator."I demanded.

"What do you know about Kabuto-san's stimulator?"Sasuke glared a bit.

"It was made for me."I sneered glaring back at him.

Before Sasuke and I's conversation could continue anymore Kimimaro came rushing into Orochimaru's office.

"Sakura-sama we need you quick!!"he yelled panting.

"What is it?"I sneered in irritation.

"There's some little girl attacking the team."he sighed getting himself together.

I sighed and grabbed Orochimaru's gun and walked with Kimimaro to my team. When we got to the training grounds I saw a young girl who looked about 15years old with twin katanas fighting my whole team at once. She had long red hair and grey eyes.

I shot the gun in air twice causing everyone one to stop.

"Enough."I said calmly.

Everyone looked at me with a bit a fear in their eyes. Especially the new unknown girl.

"What's your name?"I asked her emotionlessly.

"Rin Sayomi."she said back.

"I want you guys to train Rin-san. She'll be a great addition with those twin katanas."I said.

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