Chapter 10: The Ritual

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Ebony shivers as the cool autumn breeze whips through her, chilling her skin and causing her long pastel blue dress to flutter around her violently. The walk to the meeting circle seems much longer than the last time she had taken the path with Theo, James, and Ben. The moon is beginning to rise over the trees, lighting the path and casting long eerie shadows. As they walk in silence, she processes everything that has happened over the past month.

It has been twenty nine days since she arrived onto Theo's land, one full moon cycle. Eighteen days have passed since the Luna Ball, and after her unplanned speech the people of the Dark Moon Kingdom have embraced her with open arms. She has spent many days down in the village with James and Rey, learning of the magnificent culture and customs of her new people. Despite all that she still has to learn about her new family, the castle and the village below are beginning to feel like home.

She and Rey have become almost inseparable, spending every single day together, and her absence on the walk weighs heavily on Ebony's chest. The tall auburn haired she-wolf has become the closest thing Ebony has ever had to a sister, and without Rey by her side she feels as though a piece of her is missing. The shadows on the path taunt her as they walk, twisting and moving as if they are alive, creatures of the shadows following her, watching her every move. She can't shake the feeling that something terrible is about to happen.

As they reach the top of the slope looking down over the meeting circle, Theo grabs her wrist and pulls her to the side. "Give us a moment." He motions for Ben and James to continue without them. She looks up at him and swallows hard. "You ready, little one?" Theo traces her jaw with his finger and leans down, kissing her gently and looking into her eyes. She nods, trying to hide her shaking hands. He notices immediately and takes her ice cold fingers in his own warm hands, giving them a gentle squeeze. "It's going to be fine." He smiles warmly. "You're ready for this... I know you are."

"I have to be." She whispers and he leans down again, kissing her deeply this time. As his lips leave hers a warm tingle remains, and she breathes deeply. "I just..." She shakes her head. "I just have this feeling..." She closes her eyes and shakes her head more violently in an attempt to clear her thoughts. "It's nothing..." She mumbles, looking back up at Theo. "I'm ready." Concern flashes across his face but it's quickly replaced with a reassuring smile.

"Let's not keep The Elders waiting."

When they turn back to look down at the circle of rocks below, The Elders, Ben, and James are already seated around the circle, waiting for them. As they begin their descent, Theo wraps his arm around her waist and holds her tightly to him in an attempt to stop her shivering. When they reach the bottom, he leads her into the center of the circle and lifts her over and into the core of the O shaped rock, kissing her once more before taking his place on the outside of the circle. A deafening moment of silence follows, broken by Elder Tobias.

"Let's begin." The Elders straighten and his gaze rests on Ebony. "Are you ready?" She nods and he smiles encouragingly. "Good." Her eyes flash to Elder Maggie for a moment and her stomach lurches as she sees an expression of deep sadness on her lined face. But in a moment it is gone, and the ritual begins.

Ebony stands with bated breath as The Elders close their eyes and begin to chant quietly, the wind drawing out their words. The full moon seems to glow brighter and the shadows begin to dance a writhe more violently. As she squeezes her eyes shut, the air around her becomes warm, the blackness behind her lids beginning to flicker and white sparks dance in front of her eyes. As the chanting continues, Ebony feels her feet begin to leave the ground and it takes all of her self control not to open her eyes or flail out, a feeling of weightlessness consuming her. A cool feminine voice speaks from the light, radiating through her body and making her very soul vibrate.

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