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Drew walked out to the back yard to find Sophia crying and throwing lawn furniture into the pool. "Soph...Sophia!" he shouted but she did not listen to him. It wasn't until he walked up to her and took the potted plant out of her hands that she stopped. "What?" she snapped. "Why is everything in the back yard going into the pool? What's going on?" he asked. "Oh, so you won't tell me anything about yourself, but you expect me to tell you whats wrong with me" she snapped. "I just asked, I didn't say you had to tell me anything" he replied calmly. Sophia took a deep breath as the tears flowed from her eyes. "My mom, she left me. She left me when I still needed her. Now I feel so alone" Sophia cried. Drew grabbed her hand and pulled her in closer and held her tightly as she sobbed. After a moment Sophia got herself together and wiped away her tears. "I don't understand you Drew. Why aren't you this way with anyone else?" she asked.

"I've never involved emotion in things. Since I was a kid, It helps with the disappointment. I simply choose not to feel it so it doesn't effect me. That what makes me so good at my job. It also helps me keep people at a distance, but you. It's not like that with you" Drew said. "Thank you for always being here" Sophia said. "No problem, like I said, your not alone" he replied. A comfortable silence fell between the two of them and she smiled at him. Then Drew leaned in so Sophia did too, and the two shared their first kiss. After a moment Sophia pulled away. "Good night" she said. "Good night" Drew replied before the two of them walked off in opposite directions.

Drew woke up to some one knocking at his door. He opened it to find Max on the other side of the door. "Hey man, my dad needs us at the club" he said. Drew nodded before closing the door to the guest house. However, before he began to get ready he sat back down on his bed and thought about his dream for a moment. Although it was more like a flashback since it had actually happened. Drew thought about Sophia. He knew that she had every right to be mad at him. He was purposely avoiding something he knew they should talk about considering he initiated the kiss. It was just easier not to talk about it. Drew got ready and was about to leave when he seen Sophia sitting by the pool. He walked over and tried to talk to her, but she stopped him. 

"No, I'm not talking to you. I'm not talking to you because you are confusing and I don't have time for confusing. One minute your telling me I'm different from anyone else and the next your telling me it was just a stupid kiss. When we both know it was more than that" she snapped at him.With that Drew just walked away. He drove to the club. The whole way there he thought about what Sophia had said. He knew that there was something between the two of them, but if he admitted that to himself he would have to accept all of the feelings that came with it. He didn't know if he was ready for that, but he also knew that if he didn't face them sooner or later he risked losing her. Which was the last thing he wanted. When he got to the club Drew found his way to Dennis's office. "Nice of you to join us" Dennis said to him when he walked in. "Paul Davis is dead. He died from his injuries, so expect retaliation. I expect the girls to stay safe, and watch your backs. Now get back to work" he said. Everyone cleared out of his office and went back to the jobs they were doing, and Dennis called Noah who stayed with the girls to tell him what had happened. 

Jackson was sitting at the bar taking shots when a beautiful red haired woman with the most beautiful blue eyes walked up to the bar. "Hey" she said with a smile. "Hello" he replied with a smile. "I'm..." he was about to say his name. "Jackson Carter, I know who you are. I come here a lot with my friends. Everyone around town knows who the Carters are" she said. "Okay, so what's your name?" Jackson asked. "Brooke Mason" she replied. "Well, can I buy you a drink Brooke?" he asked. "I thought you'd never ask" she replied with a giggle. He ordered a two two beers and a couple of shots and the two sat there drinking and getting to know each other.

Noah and Faith sat in the living room talking. She noticed that he had been distant the last few days. She thought he had come around until the last few days. "What's wrong?" she finally asked him. "What if I'm not a good father?" he asked her. "Oh I highly doubt you won't be a good father. You are so patient, kind, and caring. Besides I told you we will do this together" Faith replied. "What if we were together? What if we were actually a couple?" he asked. "Noah you are my best friend and I don't want to change that. As happy as I am that you are willing to be with me for our baby, if we weren't in this situation we would remain best friends and nothing else. I don't want to change that just because we are having a baby. I do love you though and our daughter will too" she said. "A daughter" he said with pure excitement. "Yes" she said. "Are you ever going to tell your father?" Noah asked. "Yes, tonight, I just don't know how he's going to react and honestly I'm scared" she said. "We'll do it together" he told her, so the two of them did just that.Later that night, nearly the next morning when Dennis finally made it home, Faith and Noah sat him down to talk. "Dad, I know you aren't going to like this, but I need to tell you that I'm pregnant" she said. "And I'm the father" Noah added. 

Drew came home from the club earlier than he normally would, but he had a good reason. He wanted to talk to Sophia. He wanted her to know how he felt before she stopped caring at all. He went up to her room and knocked on the door. When she answered before he could say anything he kissed her. A kiss that nearly swept her off of her feet. "What was that?" she asked. "You are different and I've known it since I met you. I've always been able to talk to you, and I've always been able to trust you. You are so different from anyone I've ever met. Your the first woman I've ever felt anything for me, and I'm sorry I tried to run from that. I do care and I know there is something between us and I just hope you still feel the same. Just don't give up on me" Drew said. Sophia smiled "I wasn't going to. It's about time. I thought you'd never come around" she said before kissing him again. "We just can't let Dennis find out" he said. "Agreed" she replied.

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