Chapter 4

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I was kissing Jungkook. My hand was still gripping his shirt, and his arms had found their way around my waist. My aching ribs and stinging cut didn't matter anymore because I was kissing the guy I liked.

Never before had this played out so perfectly. Never before had there been sparks so obvious that I could see them when I closed my eyes. Never before had I felt this way so early on.

I had never been happier in my life. Never.

But, with my luck, as usual, things took a turn for the worse rather quickly.

I felt a sharp pain on my bottom lip. Pulling away with a start, I noticed that Jungkook's canine teeth had sharpened to points, almost like vampire teeth. I almost went cross-eyed staring at them before I scanned the rest of him in alarm. In the soft streetlight, his eyes had never looked darker, and that was something, since they were normally vortex dark. They were soul-sucking voids, and they gave me motion sickness with one glance. The eyes that used to be so lovely and captivating had become magnets, and I couldn't look away. Under my fingers, his skin was cold to the touch, like the marble of a mausoleum, and I quickly pulled away, ignoring the pain that quickly flared.

"What-?" I stared as his newly bloodied lips formed a deep red smirk. This one wasn't as playful like the others I had seen-it was downright devilish, and it wasn't in the flirtatious way. It was a scheming smirk, the ones worn by serial killers, and his gaze was as piercing as a Roman spear. It dug into my soul, and I felt a sort of discomfort somehow. I felt like I was being frozen and slowly melted, just by his gaze.

"You kissed me," he deadpanned. My expression remained confused, so he continued, "The rules say that when you initiate an act of affection, I own you."

Excuse me? I almost laughed with surprise, despite the pain and slight terror. What rules stated that?

I coughed. "I'm sorry? I didn't know that this was a thing in Korea?" I had found my voice and the only thing I heard in it was confusion and a little hurt. It was barely above a murmur, but it still resonated in the dark alley.

"It's not. It is in the Underworld." My mind reeled in surprise. That was slightly more than unexpected. He was acting according to a fantasy Hell? Even so, I didn't brush off that comment like most people would. Something in Jungkook's voice told me that he was dead serious. Dead serious. Somehow, I believed him. I knew somewhere that what he was saying was a reality, as if the knowledge had been hidden deep in my brain before. But still, why did he know this?


"That's where I'm from, if you couldn't tell," he said as nonchalantly as possible. "I'm a demon."

"Uh..." I stammered, trying to make sense of it all. Jungkook the demon? Anyone else would've laughed or taken him to a mental hospital, but I simply gaped. It surprised me that I wasn't skeptical or even downright unbelieving of his statement, but then again, I believed his Underworld statement. Of course, I knew he was telling the truth, but it startled me that he, of all people, was a demon. There was no way...

In response, Jungkook tugged off his shirt over his head, revealing smooth abs and a well-muscled yet lean torso. Even though I was in shock, I couldn't help but stare at his sculpted body, the muscle stretching taut across his chest. He caught my gaze and chuckled. When the shirt slipped off completely, Jungkook rolled back his shoulders and a pair of wings unfurled from his back. They were pitch black, like his eyes, though the feathers looked so soft and tempting to touch.

Oh. He wasn't just showing off his body--he was displaying wings. That made a little more sense, although nothing that was happening made sense at all. At first, I had been confused as to why he was stripping--though even in my pain and disbelief, I wasn't complaining--but things were locking into place now.

"Uh... erm... hnnnnggg... gah..." I stammered, my eyes glued to his body before realizing that I was basically drooling over a guy/demon who claimed that he owned me. Mentally shoving myself back into reality, I searched for something to say. I cleared my throat and tried to speak, but the words came out wrong.

"If you're a demon... Why are you so beautiful?" I asked, almost in a trance. I immediately cursed myself afterwords. That was not what I had planned. The words had rolled right off my tongue, though I wanted to say something else. It was like he drew the words from me. Jungkook laughed, an ominous, velvety noise; his laugh was soft but dark and lifeless, like coffin lining.

"Lust and seduction are elements of darkness, no?" Great. This guy was made to draw the dirtiest and most unorthodox thoughts out from my brain. Delightful. "Be honest, being my personal slave doesn't sound so bad, does it, Scarlet?"

"Slave?" I wanted to sound courageous, but my voice betrayed me. It came out small and scared, which was exactly how I felt, but I didn't want him to know that, though he could probably tell from my expression.

"Perhaps not that exact word, but every once in a while, we get to go into the human world and pick our own mistresses that are to serve us for the rest of their lives," Jungkook explained, perfecting his dark stare. I swore I saw a tint of pink in his marble cheeks. Was he blushing? "It's lonely when you're immortal, you know? The conditions are that they have to care for us by their own decision, so if you start the first kiss or any act of romance, you're mine."

I blanked out.

"...I don't believe you..." Complete lie. I knew that this was true, though I didn't know why. Was there a way out of this? Jungkook must have known that I was thinking of escape plans, because he quickly grabbed my hand and hoisted me up. I tried to struggle, but it was no use. The denim jacket fell from my waist, stained with blood, and hit the ground with an empty thump. My vision blurred as I felt a strange mist wrap around me, and everything faded to black.

Dark (Jungkook - BTS)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin