Chapter 10

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Zoe P.O.V

I was at the park with the twins. August was with his friends.

Layla: MOMMY

She went down on the slide and I smiled. This guy came and sat next to me.

??: who one is yours

Me: right there and their twins

??: coo

Me: ( smiles )

We started talking and he was very sweet. His name is Justin.

Justin: so you about to graduate

Me: yeah

Justin: it's gonna be fun

Me: promise

Justin: yeah

Me: ( laughs )

Justin: can I have your number

Me: sure

We exchanged numbers.

Justin: thanks

Me: welcome

He hugged me and when he did that August pulled up.

Justin: bye

Me: bye

He walked away and August came next to me. He hugged me tight.

Me: ok stop

He squeezed harder.

Me: August stop I can't breathe

He stopped and looked at me.

August: when you get home go in the guess room

Me: no

August: don't let me force you

Me: August no

August: ight

Me:.....I swear if you touch me imma call the police it's bad enough you did that to your daughter

August: call the police either way imma beat yo ass

Me:.......I'm pregnant with your daughter just stop


Me: I'm sorry August I'll delete his number

August: you was going to anyway

Me: fuck you August after graduation I'm leaving

August: leave I don't fucking care you can leave now I bet those kids ain't even mine

My heart dropped I looked at him.


They came over and we left. I cried how can he do this not now.


So I was at the house packing when August came in.

August: where you going

Me: you told me to leave

August: ( walks up on her and grabs her waist ) I'm sorry baby


August: ( kiss Zoe ) I'm sorry I know the twins are mine I was just jealous when he hugged

Me: you didn't have to be jealous I love you but I'm starting to think you don't love you like why would that stuff even come out your mouth if you knew they was yours why would you say that

In Love With The Enemy ( An August Alsina Love Story )Where stories live. Discover now