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So Chelsea is the cool girl that I thought was too grumpy to have friends. The whole time all my friends crowded around her and I excluded myself from all the excitement. "So were you really in Netball Reps last year?!" Mikayla asked as if she was talk to some genius. Chelsea isn't a genius. She's just a tall, rude girl that no one cares about... except for Mikayla. "Yes I was in Reps" Said Chelsea.

"Woah! Thats amazing!" Said Mckenzie. Okay! Okay! No one cares except for Mckenzie and Mikayla. "I'm so impressed" Said Brooke. "I'm in awe!" Admired Kingdon. *Sigh OKAY! No one cares except Mckenzie, Mikayla, Brooke and Kingdon. "Amazing" Commented Sophie. "I want to be just like you!" Said Olivia. "Now that is something to care about!" said Havill. She just shoved into me that day! I needed to reveal the truth about Chelsea!  I shoved myself into the little circle of Chelsea's admirers. "I know what Chelsea is good at besides netball!" I shouted in a moderately angry tone. "What's that?" Charlotte asked. "SHOVING INTO PEOPLE! and being Oh- SO RUDE!" I said moderately more loud than a moderately loud shout. "Hashtag Rude" Mikayla said. "I know right!" I was proud of putting Chelsea down but this extravagant feeling didn't last long as Mikayla then said "No I mean YOU are being hashtag rude Jasmine!". I was lost and confused. "What do you mean?" I said puzzled. "I mean that you should get over a little shove, I'm sure it was just an accident! Lets just all be friends yes?" Mikayla exaggerated the yes with her big puppy dog eyes. Chelsea had brain washed all my friends against me, this was not fair. "Sophie!" I shouted. "Yes?" She responded. "The Nicki Minajesters have a gig anywhere but here" I said and dragged Sophie along by her pom-pom like, blonde hair.

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