28. Zhayin

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In burial mound, Lan Wangji leaves for cloud recess taking pregnant Wei Wuxian and other wen people with him towards gusu caiyi town.

Wei Wuxian was worried a lot because omega Wei did not know how Lan Wangji's family would react to this issue when he is half way done with all the wen's.

Suddenly Wei Wuxian starts having pain in his stomach. Wei Ying had become weak inside his body due to sudden nervousness.

Omega Wei's blood pressure had also become low. Lan Wangji is taking all the people of Wen sect with him for Gusu.

In the evening, all the people of wen sect get tired walking in the middle of the road.

All of them together, after getting tired, stop for a night in a nearby village to rest so that they can resume their journey.

Seeing Wei Ying's poor condition, Wen Ping and Wen Qing gave Omega some medicines to eat.

Lan Wangji also takes Wei Wuxian to an inn room to rest because of pregnancy.

Wei Ying drank a masala tea to calm down himself. Lan Wangji brings some healthy boiled food for pregnant omega Wei.

Wei Wuxian slowly finishes eating his food. His body was very tired.

Wen Ping and other wen's are doing rest and sleeping inside the inn.

Lan Wangji paid the bill for everyone's food, drinks and stay in the inn.

Lan Zhan lovingly holds Wei Ying in his arms and falls asleep. They both were sleeping peacefully in each other's arms.

Next Day early in the morning, The sky is still dark, the sun's first flame-colored rays dividing the sky into blues and oranges.

Those rays were creating an amazingly beautiful sight in the sky just like waves of fire meeting cold ice mountains.

It seemed as if someone was standing at the door of heaven and was being drawn towards it by the miracle of a light.

This is the beginning of a new era, a dark darkness had just ended, which gave birth to a new hope.

Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian woke up early in the morning. Wei Ying rests his head on alpha Wangji's shoulder.

Omega Wei's mind was stabilized by the soothing alpha scent of Lan Wangji's body.

Wei Wuxian has a smile on his face, Lan Zhan is caressing his omega's pregnant tummy to calm down Omega's anxiety.

After some time, everyone takes bath and have breakfast and again leaves for Gusu.

Lan Zhan also paid everyone's expenses himself. After a few hours, they all reach caiyi town, Gusu sect.

Lan Wangji had already sent a letter to his elder brother ordering him to build some bamboo wooden houses on a barren land in an unnamed place near Caiyi town.

Lan Wangji had already sent a letter to his elder brother ordering him to build some bamboo wooden houses on a barren land in an unnamed place near Caiyi town

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