8. Going through Changes

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Me and Caitlin arrived at S.T.A.R Labs the following morning. Cisco of course was there first.
"He guys, ow yeah how are you feeling Caitlin" Cisco asked.

She didn't answer, but gave him a nasty look and walked over to the coat stand to take her coat off.
"What's up with Caitlin" Cisco asked me.
"Morning sickness, and a bit of hormones" I told him.
"Oh God, then we're in trouble" Cisco joked.

"Shut up Cisco" Caitlin shouted from the next room. we both laughed, it reminded me of when she got drunk, she wasn't like herself, but it was amusing.


The crime alarm went off from the computer. "Barry there's a Bank robbery downtown, and looks like it's our meta human" Cisco told me.
"Wait" screamed Caitlin, running in from the other room.

"Be careful" she said as she kissed me on the lips. "aaaawwwwww" Cisco said in an annoying tone.
Caitlin turned around really annoyed at him, and I flashed out before I got caught in her wrath.

I got to the bank and saw the same guy that I saw at the diamond collection.
A wave of anger came over me, because I knew that it was him that stabbed Caitlin. and I wanted revenge so badly, but I knew that wasn't the way it should be.

I walked up behind him and said "hey, you know it's bad enough that your robbing a bank but hurting the person I love, that's crossing well over the line"
He turned around and looked down at me. "Ow, so that's who the flash is, guess you will definitely need to lock me away now that I know you're real identity" he said.

So now I really regret saying that last part, because now I have to capture him here and now so he doesn't reveal my identity.
and suddenly he disappeared in front of me. I looked around to see if he knocks anything to giveaway his location.

I saw a suitcase move, that was lying on the floor. and traveling at super speed I opened my arms out as if I was going to give him a massive hug.
And I felt him, I grabbed him and ran all the way to the pipeline.

I managed to get him to the pipeline no problem, which was really weird.
Normally there is a big fight or something, but no not this time, it was actually surprisingly easy.

I'm not going to complain though because now I can relax, and maybe spend some time with Caitlin.
Life just feels so much better now I have a relationship with Caitlin. because now all those feelings I felt before that I kept to myself, I could now tell her how I really feel.

And all of the little dreams I keep to myself were actually real now.
I walked, yes walked up to the cortex, because I felt like I needed to give Caitlin a big hug.

I walked in quietly noticing that it was only Caitlin there, with her head in her hands sitting at the computer.
"Caitlin..." I said in the middle of my sentence.
"Thank goodness your okay" she said walking over and giving me the hug that I wanted.

"How are you feeling" I asked embracing her even more.
"Like a ball of anger, I just feel angry for no reason" she told me.
"Just the hormones Cait" I told her.
"I know, I just don't want to take my anger out on you for no good reason."

"Because I love you too much"

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