12: The Conflict

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3 pm

"A dreamer? Controlling nightmares?" The boss looked at Pyro, surprised.
Pyro nodded as he twirled his pen around in his fingers.
"Whoever they are. They stole my spare ring. I just checked my safe last night."

The boss hummed while tapping his pen on the desk.
"How did she do?"

"She was able to summon her powers. They are not too strong, but she just needs more practice."

"I see."

Pyro slouched in his chair. "Giddion. He's the one responsible for monitoring the Dreamers. Has he reported anything?"

Demetrius turned his back to Pyro, looking out the window at the city.
"I asked him. He said he didn't notice anything suspicious."

"Typical." Pyro mumbled.

"What was that?"


The two were silent. Demetrius then spoke up.
"Starting now, I want you to train with her on floor -5. We have to get her confident in her abilities asap."

He turned to Pyro, who nodded in approval.
"You may go."

Pyro got up and left the boss's office. He walked down the hall and passed by Ariel. She had two 3rd grade Dreamers answering to her. She demanded coffee, and they ran into the elevator, and it closed.

"Lats time I checked, you don't have the authority to do that." Pyro slid his finger on her desk."

She grinned, "Everybody wants something, Pyro."
The two Dreamers came back with a coffee with the scent of cinnamon. She tossed them each a one hundred dollar bill. He looked at her as they left.

"I see." He started his way over to the elevator.

"Wait! Pyro.."

"Yes?" He turned around with no interest in talking to her.

"Look, I know you said no the other day, but would you reconsider dinner, mabye?"

He felt like yelling. Even though he has a reputation to being a 'woman pleaser', he knew how Ariel has treated Damion, and he doesn't feel like ever being with a girl who does that shit. Besides, he already had feelings for Serena.

"I'll have to think about it." He said hesitantly as he got into the elevator.
"Call me if you change your mind." She smiled innocently. He played dumb and waved back as the elevator closed.

He looked out at the city. He felt strange. He left the note as a hint for Serena. He has been thinking about it and decided that if they have no missions tonight, they should go on a date. He's never felt nervous around girls, not even Serena. Why did he feel so...... scared?

He stepped out of the elevator to floor 71, Damion's office.
"The preview should be done by now," he thought. Suddenly, he heard Damions voice yell from his office


"What did he want?" Damion thought to himself. Then he realized, "Serena..."

Pyro ran into Damion's office. He froze at the door to see Serena on the floor passed out.

"What the hell happened!?"

"Get her in the chair, I'll explain everything!" Damion grabbed a cup of water from the cooler in his office. Pyro picked her up and held her in his arms.

"Her breathing is heavy. Is she any pain?" Pyro asked in a serious tone.

"Yes." Damion said. Pyro bit his tongue to stop himself from completely losing it. He set her down gently in the chair, putting a pillow behind her to support her back. He crouched down to her level. He held her hand and caressed it with his thumb.

"Princess, please. Can you hear me?"



Her eyes fluttered waking up to see Damion and Antonio who looked at her in concern. She sat up gently.


"Yes Princess. It's me." He smiled holding her hand.

She looked at Damion, "I'm doing okay now."

He handed her water, "You really scared me." He said nicely.

She took a sip of water and looked at them happily.

"Princess, will you excuse me and Damion for a moment." Pyro smiled and kissed her hand before letting it go. She blushed as she watched the two of them leave the room.


The two walked outside of his office and stood in the empty vicinity. All that was there was the windows exposing the whole city surrounding them.

"Fess up Damion. What happened."

Damion took a deep breath, "We entered a girl's dream and a nightmare attacked and she absorbed it."

Pyro's eyes widened. He looked furious. Damion worried if he was going to make it out of the conversation alive.


"Pyro! I tried to stop her!"


"She was successful! She has amazing potential! Pyro, I think you're overlooking her abilities!"

"You're concerned about her ability. I'm concerned about HER. DO YOU KNOW WHAT COULD OF HAPPENED. SHE COULD'VE DIED! WE ARE LUCKY SHE IS ABLE TO FIGHT THAT OFF!"

His voice got a bit softer, "Okay, I'm sorry, Pyro. This is my fault."

"Do not tell that to me. Tell that to Serena. And apologize to her for caring more about her as an asset to this company as opposed to as a actual damn person!"

Damion's expression changed, "I do care about her! I care about her alot!"

"You do?"

"Yes! I love her!"

"You love her?" Pyro looked at him a little surprised.

"Y-Yeah." He watches Pyro take a step back.

Pyro looks at him blankly, "Who's dream did you go to?"

"Leilani." He shivered as Pyro chuckled

"So you took her to the girl's dream who has been having romantic dreams about the new boy she met since last week?"

He nodded.

"If I didn't know better, Damion. I'd say you had feelings for Serena."

Damion looked at him with a little more confidence, "And what if I do?"

Pyros chuckle turns into a laugh. The creepy tension Damion felt creeped up his senses.

"Well that's going to be a problem," Black dreamer energy surged around Pyros hand,

"No one lays a hand on my Princess."

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