Bleed Out

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I hold my breath,
for each breath I release,
a piece of my heart breaks off.
My heart now shattered,
being held together with caution tape.
A warning for anyone that comes a little too close.
I have cried rivers and rivers turned into lakes,
but for you,
I cried a whole ass tsunami.
My heartache caused hurricanes,
gasping for air but not finding any.
Drowning in the lakes that I have created I am,
broken beyond repair,
not even kintsugi will help me.
Gold flowing through the cracks,
but the cracks are too large for it too seal.
So I bleed out.
You broke the last bit of me,
but we're friends tho right?
Even though I will forever love you,
and will forever keep bleeding out.

It's not all black and white Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz