Chapter 3

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I walk to the elevator and to my cabin that's downstairs, I spend the next few hours moving things up to the new cabin.

"Am I paying you to sit" his voice echoes again

"Stupid" I whisper to myself holding onto my chest because he scared me

"Did you jsut call me stupid Miss Mehta?" He asks making me jump out of my seat

He was standing beside the door of my cabin which is so scary because how the heck did he get in here so quick?

"I don't like to repeat myself Miss Mehta" he says

"Yes I mean no, no no I did not call you that word, I am stupid, not you' I ramble on

"Shut up, grab your things and off to the mixer"

I grab my purse and end up tipping over my water bottle on the floor onto my foot

"Ahhh gosh buns Jesus man can't you have fallen on the floor dude" I yell clutching my foot

"MISS MEHTA" he raises his voice

"No sorry, i just no okay I am sorry' I apologize grabbing my bottle and purse nodding at him to walk

I follow him and when I tell you this man walks fast I mean he was speeding cause I could not keep up with him, I genuinely couldn't, I had almost stumbled and topped over but damn is this how tall people walk?

"Get in" he says opening the door of his car for me

I slip in mumbling a thank you, I didn't know how to sit cause I don't if he wants me to put on the seat belt, wait that's a safety thing, I am losing my head

"Put on your seatbelt Miss Mehta" he says

I pull on the belt with a soft smile but only to pull so hard that the stupid belt gets stuck

"Don't yank it, or you'll be working doubles" he says making the belt slip away form my grip

i pull it very gently buckling up, the ride to whoever the hell we were going was so long and hella uncomfortable man. It was so bad because the music wasn't on, he wasn't talking and he had the windows up making me frown, I like the wind but he had air conditioning on

"Mr malhotra" I whisper

"What?" He snaps as if I had stolen his dessert

"What is a mixer?" I ask hesitantly

"You are going to evaluate the dresses and the designs in this ramp walk, there are designers that are learning like you did when you interned"

"Oh like a little show" I ask smiling

"It's an assignment for you, don't try and enjoy it" he utters bitterly

"Assignment?" I ask

"Shh quiet miss Mehta" he whispers

For the first time, he wasn't angry yelling or being bitter so I happily shut my mouth knowing that he will tell me what the assignment actually is when we get there.

Once we got to the mixer or whatever, we walked inside from a private entrance which was very exclusive well it looked like only a few people were allowed to go in through the private entrance

"Ohh front" I giggle when we sit in the front of the ramp

"Pay attention to every single design that comes on the ramp, I need 3 bad and three good things about each, understood?" He asks

"Understood" I reply

the show beings and I start jotting down the things he asked me to, I was quick to pay attention to the way they were dressed as well.

The whole show Mr Malhotra was beside me on his phone the entire time doing god knows what but I like that he actually drove me here because taking a taxi would dress me out a lot

"Here you go" I say hanging him my tablet as we walk out of the show once it was done

"Remind me to get you a new tab, this is trash" he mumbles

'Don't insult him" I say

"Excuse me Miss Mehta? Did I hear you say something?" he asks

"His name is Fred, I bought him with my first pay check" I whisper looking up in his eyes

He is really tall, something I haven't noticed up until now.

"Well retire Fred" he says

"Thats sad" I whisper following him out

as we sat in the car, he quickly went over my list and then handed me my tablet back

"You have an eye for detail"

"Thank you" I grin, ear to ear

he drives me to my house which somehow he knew and I don't bother asking how because I know that he must have pulled it out of my file

"Thank you for dropping me home and giving me a ride to the ramp show, it was beautiful" I whisper

"I need your ideas on my table at 10 am tomorrow" he said, back to the bitter tone

"Of courses, I will have a few"

"you better"

"Thank you Mr Malhotra" I whisper unbuckling and stepping out of the car

I get in my house and immediately a frown covers my face seeing the two girls I live with on top of their boyfriends

"This is a common room" I say

"Don't be salty you single bitch" one of them says making me frown

shaking my head at them I walk into my room. I grab a granola bar sitting on the bed after showering, as I start sketching some ideas for Mr Malhotra to see, I know he likes my designs but he is right some of these need a whole lot of improvement

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