CHAPTER: 17 Professor Liam's Misery

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When Professor Liam was leisurely spending his days in Remel Medical Institute and Hospital as usual, a sudden emergency call from Wolf's Den requesting his presence. He was immediately escorted to there and when he reached, he got shocked. His former student was at the brink of death, lying unconscious there because of his brother's crimes.
To be precise, they both are victim of this incident.

"It'll be very difficult to bring her back to normal. Although we had stabilized the reactions to some extents, it won't help in long run", said Dr. Finn closing the ICU's door behind her.

"I was still working on cases like this and although thesis is done, testing hasn't even started", said Professor Liam with a frown. Sighed and said, "Still, I will do my best."

What Professor Liam was worried was that SS-class alpha's pheromone will easily dominate and overpower Zaidie's body and mental sea who was not even omega to the point of collapse. But, to his surprise, there was only 50% of her mental sea that was being dominated, the rest 50% was desperately fighting against it. So, he determined after looking the will of his student who was trying hard to live, to save her.

After injecting Zaidie with the medicine, her body's deterioration stopped but it didn't affect much on her mental sea. It was still struggling to keep up with those pheromones. Everyone in Wolf's Den knew her contribution of the medicine so, they felt very sad for her. Prayed for her to be saved but, what can be done.

Day 01 passed like that and Zaidie didn't wake up.

Professor Liam and the best medical team of Wolf's Den who desperately trying to bring her back to consciousness, failed.

Day 02, Zaidie's mental sea stopped responding and doctors declared her comatose.

Professor Liam still had hope that his thesis, which he had worked hard to prepare, will bring results so, he didn't loose hope.

Day 03, passed like that but Zaidie didn't wake up.

On Day 04, when Professor Warren was eating his dinner, a doctor came hurriedly and said, "Sir! Dr. Wade's monitor started beeping, come quick!"

It was indicating little movements in her mental sea i.e., Zaidie is trying. After examining her, senior doctor approached him and said, "If everything goes well, she'll wake up by tomorrow but, " he paused showing hesitation, "we are not sure about damage."

Professor Liam sighed. It is true. After all, nape of the neck is the junction leading to many important parts of the body.

When Kawan woke up after the completion of his susceptible period, he got confused as to why his younger brother, who never want to set foot in Wolf's Den came here but after realization stuck him, he got astounded.

He has marked the person who he desperately wanted to be his with his heavy pheromones and that person is now hanging between life and death.

Kawan already knew the power of his pheromones so, he had already planned many things to avoid leading this situation but, he cannot control his subconscious mind.

After loosing his parents in an attack with Greymoss, the only family left to him was his brother, who also left him here, alone. Soon, he lost interest in everything but when he came to like a person and took interest in her, he was also on the deathbed because of himself. He is covered in anger and self blame but, not entirely as, he got to know about the argument between Dr. Wade and and Dr. Bence from Jo.

'It's time to punish someone', thought Kawan waiting for his arrival.

"Dr. Bence. Your license is cancelled with the fine of 2Million$. This is the maximum we can pardon you on behalf of your family, "said commander leaning against the table.

Dr. Bence got frightened and defended himself, "But commander, It was an accident. It can't be predicted beforehand". Commander frowned and said in a menacing tone, " The fact that you were abusing your authority cannot be denied. Not only one but, everyone life's could have be in danger. Don't make me repeat myself and get out."

Dr. Bence was dragged out of Commander's office.

Then Kawan headed to Zaidie's ward. There, on the bed, she was lying unmoved. Her complexion was more colorless than usual. Anyone might think that she is dead if not for the faint breathing. Kawan sat on the chair near the bed and held her hand. Her temperature was colder than himself and those hands were lifeless.

He was holding her hands as if holding a very precious treasure.
Gently but firmly.

He knew that she is here, in this situation because of him and he wanted to apologize her for that. He didn't blame himself that much rather, he is a little happy that this omega is now fully his. His pheromones which are surrounding her are making him jubilant but, he wanted to enjoy this moment together with her.

He wanted to make this moment a joyous moment of their lives, a moment which they'll commemorate in future but, there are no signs of her waking. It is making him extremely sad and hurt.

"It's 4days now Zaidie, wake up. I wanted to show you something but, you are making me wait a lot", said Kawan softly caressing her hand.

Suddenly, as if god had heard his prayers, the monitor showing mental sea's movements rang.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!...

"Quick! Come here, she is showing sings!", shouted Kawan pressing emergency button frantically. Soon, doctors along with Professor Liam came inside.

They observed everything and told, "She is showing movements in her mental sea. A primary and basic step towards waking up of a comatose person. Although it was very little but, it was there."

Professor Liam's medicine is showing it's effects. If the fluctuation occurs often with acceleration in mental sea, according to his calculations, Zaidie will wake up by the end of tomorrow. But, on how much scale has Kawan's pheromones had damaged her mental sea, it can't be said until she wakes up. If they try to further do anything, it won't take time in turning things in a wrong way.

And as expected, Professor Liam's predictions were true. Zaidie's mental sea showed constant fluctuations.

The next day when some doctor's were by her side, observing her or to be precise, chatting, one of them discovered that Zaidie's eyes are open.

Next Update: Around 11November, 2023

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