Chapter 15

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Previously on The Hidden Spider

Peter's Pov

We get Carter into bed before Bucky and I head to bed ourselves since it has been a long day and I can't wait to sleep in our bed especially after last night. Hotdog has been moving around a lot of time as I moved around the house today unpacking but for the past 30 minutes, Hotdog has stopped moving around as much so I'm guessing Hotdog fell asleep.

"I love you." I say

"I love you too and Hotdog." says Bucky as he kisses me and my belly


(27 weeks pregnant)

(Second trimester)

Peter's Pov

This is officially my last week in the second trimester and I can't believe it. I'm 27 weeks and six months pregnant with Hotdog and I feel like this pregnancy is flying by. Hotdog is the size of a head of cauliflower, is 14.42 inches from head to toe and weighs 2.34 pounds. A new development with Hotdog this last week has been the hiccups which shocked me the first time it happened because I was cooking breakfast when it happened and managed to burn myself because of how shocked I was. I'm fine now and Bucky has been keeping an eye on me since then but he was shocked the first time, he felt the hiccups and understood why I was so shocked. My symptoms have been swelling around my ankles which I make Bucky massage at night before bed every night. I think the worst symptom has been pelvic pain because of how big Hotdog has gotten and to help with it, I have been sleeping with a pillow in between my knees to help. 

It has been a few weeks since we moved to Kansas and have been getting used to living in the Midwest but I think the move was the best thing we could have done for our family. Carter has been adjusting really well.  We enrolled him in preschool and his first day was Monday and he had fun. He told us all about his new friend that he made in his class. His teacher when we picked him up told us that Carter was a good kid but he was quiet at first until it was playtime and he talked to his new friend.  Hopefully, over the next few weeks, Carter will start to be his happy bubbly self at school but it could be something that we have to work on with him after New York. Before we moved here, we talked to his therapist about keeping him in therapy and she agreed and helped us find a therapist out here who was told about Hydra and what Carter went through. Carter has his first therapy appointment tomorrow and I'm nervous because I don't want Carter to feel like we are forcing him into therapy, especially at 2, almost 3 years old because he might not understand everything about what happened so we give Carter the choice on if he wanted to go to therapy or not. Despite his age, Carter is smart and he told us that he wanted to go. 

A happy thing is that Carter's birthday is in a few weeks on March 23rd and I can't believe he will be 3 years old. I never thought I would get to see Carter grow up thanks to Hydra but I get to watch my little boy grow up and I couldn't be happier. Bucky and I really don't want to have a big birthday party for him since we don't know many people here yet but we are planning something special for him which I will not say anything about yet. 

Another good thing is that we are finding out Hotdog's sex/gender later today and I can't wait to know. I'm really hoping for a girl while Bucky wants a boy but to be honest we don't care as long as Hotdog is healthy and getting bigger.  Although it will be easier to choose a name because right now we have no idea of a name for Hotdog, if Carter gets his choice the baby will be legally named Hotdog Parker-Barnes since we agreed to keep both last names. 


Bucky and I just dropped Carter at preschool and we are heading to my OB appointment with my new OB who specializes in male pregnancy. This is the first time I'm meeting this OB since moving here but my OB from New York referred me to this OB and had good things to say about him. We get there and I start to fill out the new patient forms before getting called back, the nurse takes my weight. She tells me that my weight is great for being 27 weeks pregnant, but I'm always eating. In the room, the nurse takes my blood pressure before telling us the doctor will be in shortly. 

"It's finally happening, we are about to find out if Hotdog is a boy or girl". I say

"Yes we will." says Bucky 

"Think Carter will be happy?" I ask

"He will be as long as he can keep calling baby Hotdog." says Bucky 

I nod my head and we hear a knock on the door. 

"Peter Parker." says Dr. Parsons

"Yes sir." I say

"I'm Dr. Parsons. It's nice to meet you." says Dr. Parsons

"This is my partner Bucky Barnes." I say

"Nice to meet you." says Bucky 

We go over my history with this pregnancy and with my pregnancy with Carter. He asks questions about this pregnancy and what my symptoms have been. After some more questions, we get to the ultrasound. 

"This is going to be cold." says Dr. Parsons

He puts the gel on my belly before moving the wand around. We hear Hotdog's heartbeat which Dr. Parsons says is stronger, before getting to know Hotdog's sex.

"And it's a girl." says Dr. Parsons

Oh my god, we are having a little girl. I start to tear up before looking over at Bucky who is crying and watching the screen. 

"Bucky?" I ask

"I can't believe we are having a little girl." says Bucky 

He leans down and kisses me. 

Dr.Parsons prints pictures and we finish before making the next appointment at 29 weeks. We leave the doctor's office before heading home and spend the next few hours doing housework before going to pick up Carter. We get home and sit Carter down on the couch.

"Mommy and Daddy have something to tell you." I say

Carter looks at us.

"Today we had a doctor's appointment to see Hotdog and we got some news." says Bucky 

"Is somthing wong with Hotdog?" asks Carter

"No baby, Hotdog is healthy and big. We found out that you are getting a little sister." I say

"A siste." says Carter

"Yes a sister." says Bucky 

"named Hotdog." says Carter

"Yes we will keep calling her Hotdog until she has a name." says Bucky 

Carter puts his ear up to my belly.

"I will protect you." says Carter

I don't want to start crying because Carter wants to protect her so much. Carter and I cuddle on the couch for the rest of the day until dinner. After dinner, Carter gets a bath before we put him to bed. Bucky rubs my feet before we go to bed. Once he is done, we lay down spooning with Bucky's hand on my belly. 

"Goodnight and I love you." I say

"Goodnight, I love you and Hotdog so much." says Bucky 

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