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Nelson's pov:

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Nelson's pov:

I was in the car with cam and Lavar omw to dinner for cams friend sawyers soccer championship game because they won.

Im super tired ,like I'm literally about to fall asleep sitting here but I can't because cam
Would beat my ass so I have to stay awake
But it's fine because we are almost there.

I'm walking in the restaurant and I see the soccer team and my eyes land on this one
Girl, her eyes are brown,she has brown hair,she looked perfect. Shut up Nelson we are here for dinner not girls.

I sat down in the booth and Lavar sat in the end and I sat next to him and the girl from before sat next to me,I think her name was
Franny but I'm not sure. Soon later the waitress came up to are table and asked what we wanted to drink,after Lavar said sprite I said dr.pepper and the franny said she wanted pink lemonade Man some pink lemonade do sound pretty good right now.

The waitress came out with our drinks and sat them all on the table for us to grab and I grabbed my dr.pepper and started to chug it I finally stop chugging my drink and man my chest hurt,that damn carbonation🙄. As I sat there holding my chest franny started laughing so I looked at her,she smiled "are you ok?!" She said laughing, I started laughing a little "yeah I think" she laughed a little more "what's your name" she asked "Nelson what abt you" She smiled "franny woods,and that's Sawyer,Maisie,Frankie,
Ella, and the girl at the end of the table is Nora she is sawyers little sister and rest
of the team is over there"she said as she pointed to a table on the other side of us. Before I could say anything the waitress came back and asked if we where ready to order our food,everyone ordered but me and Franny Because we both couldn't decide what we wanted but then franny decided she wanted chicken Alfredo so I just did the same

Franny pov:
It's been abt 20 mins since we ordered and the food finally came.

It's been about 40-45 minutes since we got are food and mostly everyone is done except for Nelson "dude are almost done" I said slightly laughing at the sauce on his face, he side eyed me and smiled. I decided that him having sauce on his face was disgusting so I grabbed a napkin and wiped His face all over kinda hard as a joke but I accidentally poke him in the eye "ow fučk" Nelson said and I could hear the sad in his voice it made me want to wrap him in a hug so that's what I did I hugged him it was kinda nice actually Nelson was cute and he smelt good and he was really funny,
As I was thinking these things I realized everyone at the table was staring at us so I quickly pushed Nelson away as he rubbed his left eye sawyer started smiling and giggling like she just saw the cutest thing ever- I was cut off in my thoughts as almost everyone at the table except me and Nelson started laughing and saying things like "love birds","cutest couple award goes to them" I just sat there blushing,I looked over at Nelson to see him hiding his face in his hands while trying to hind behind my back.

After everyone settled down and quit picking on me and Nelson sawyers mom Ashley offered to pay but everybody insisted she didn't so all the parents pitched in and payed for there kids and cam payed for Nelson and Lavar.

After everyone said there goodbyes Nelson pulled me aside "hey do you maybe think I could get your number"Nelson said blushing a little,I smile "ofc you can handsome"(Ngl i cringed while writing that)
He blushed even harder and handed me his phone and I put my number in "bye Nelson" I hugged him "bye franny" he said as he hugged back.
I'm so sorry for the wait loves I have been so busy lately and just haven't had the time to write but I will be trying to publish more.🙏

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