Chapter Sixteen: The Hunt Begins

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Bethwell Household

  Nelivia pulled her car up to the driveway of the household, taking her belongings she shut down her car and exited it, making her way to the door of the house. Taking her keys, she unlocks the door, opening it. And to her surprise, Eliward isn't in the living room, in fact, she wasn't even on the first floor of the house. >Mm? Where's Eli?< Nelivia thought to herself, puzzled as to where Eliward was, she had seen her car in the driveway, so she should be home right now. >She better not be off drinking again..< Nelivia thought to herself, thinking about that possibility and habit of Eliward when she's out of the house late at night. Nelivia calmed herself, thinking when she and the others saw Eliward arguing with the worker of the bookstore. >Well... that possibility is low... so maybe she's in our room?< Nelivia thought to herself, bringing her belongings up to the second floor, making her way to their bedroom.

  Once she got up to the bedroom, she opened it, the room was dark, the blinds were closed and the lights were off. "Hmm..." Nelivia stood in the doorway for a few seconds before entering the bedroom fully. She flicked on the lights that were on her left side, and put her bags on the ground near the closet of the bedroom. >Okay, that should be–< "Boo!" Nelivia's thoughts were cut off when someone's voice spoke out and hands were put onto her shoulders. "AH!" Nelivia yelled out, turning very quickly to see who was behind her, finding that it was Eliward who had done so. "Did I surprise you?" Eliward asked with a big smile on her face. Nelivia only put on a mad expression on her face. "What? What's wrong?" Eliward asked, seeing Nelivia's angry expression. "You know this is the second thing I don't like you doing." Nelivia explained, crossing her arms, keeping the same mad expression on her face. "Ah right. Sorry." Eliward said, keeping her smile on her face before taking something from the drawer near her bed. "Well. I guessed that this would happen... so..." Eliward took out a book from the drawer, presenting it to Nelivia. "Hm?" Nelivia had a curious look on her face, seeing the book presented to her. "This is..." Nelivia took the book from Eliward, "Ah, it's Bungou Stray Dogs!" Nelivia said, reading the title of the book, "Well, being the amazing wife I am, I decided to think ahead and get you a book for you to read on your days off!" Eliward said, with a proud look on her face. >Think ahead?< Nelivia thought to herself, noticing the wording of Eliward's sentence. "Ah, we should get to sleep, you're probably tired from being out all day." Eliward said, seeing Nelivia's expression. "Oh. Yeah, you're right." Nelivia responded with a small smile on her face.


Ryo's Apartment, Ren's Room

  Ren was in his room, there wasn't much happening, it was just him. He was wearing a color palette of greens, blacks, and blues. A short sleeve top consisting of swirls of greens and blues with black being the base layer of it, his pants were short with a simple pattern of greens and blues, with blacks being an inbetween. He was reading a book on his bed, looking over the words and pages, the others had already gone to bed and he presumed he was the only one awake at the moment. >Although, knowing the other two...< Ren thought to himself before a message popped up onto his phone. >...< Ren reads the message from his phone, <Okay.> Ren responds to the message with just that simple word. He turned off his phone, putting it face down on the table, as well as finishing up and closing his book, turning off his table lamp and getting some sleep.


Ryo's Room

  >Nehh... another goal...< Ryo's thoughts occupied with FC24 being played on a computer screen, he was playing the game with a controller in his dark room, the computer screen being the only source of light. His glasses rested on the drawer that stood in between his table and bed. He was in striped patterned fuzzy clothing, a white and black color palette with long sleeves and long pants. He had a pillow stuffed with him, his arms around the pillow while holding the controller. He had blue and white headphones on his head, his ears covered by the muffs of the headphones. His dead orange eyes staring at the screen. He was on the winning end of the game, the score being 3-2. >Just... give up and die...< Ryo thought to himself, playing a string of passes between his players and moving the ball up. >And that's where it ends...< Ryo thought as the whistle of the game blew out, the game had ended.

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