The devil's temptation

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Yoongi ended up not coming to work the next day after that day, and he didn't show up at work at all for ten days. He notified his manager the night of the same day with that incident, telling her that he had to go to Daegu to take care of his sick grandmother, who was alone, but she could still send his works at him, Yoongi would do everything from home. Yes, Yoongi lied about his reason, but they didn't know that, and if this made him got fired, then so be it. He didn't want to be a part of Taehyung's company anyway. Especially after he stalked him and everything that happened that night, Yoongi ignored all of Taehyung's messages and calls, then chose to lock himself inside his apartment.

All Yoongi did other than working his share of workloads that were being sent to him, and he was watching all of the day dramas on television. Also, he tried various online receipts that he could find and made Jungkook tried all of them. The only thing Yoongi wanted was to erase Taehyung's image from inside his head even if it was impossible at this point, Taehyung had successfully imprinted himself in Yoongi's brain. He was miserable. He just wanted to forget about everything and went back to his peaceful days before he met the snake.

All Yoongi wanted, for now, was peace.


Jungkook shook his body gently to wake Yoongi up as his velvety voice kept trying to pull him out of his slumber by calling him repeatedly. It was a bright Saturday morning, and it was the second weekend that he spent not showing his nose at work. Yoongi blinked his eyes slowly, trying to adjust from the sudden burst of light from their huge bedroom windows since the curtains were already opened widely. He screwed his eyes in displeasure before he finally opened his eyes in slits, only to see Jungkook already dressed in his work suit, his suitcase was opened on the floor with his clothes neatly folded inside. Jungkook smiled at him as Yoongi rubbed both of his eyes, trying to sober up faster.

"Where are you going, Hyung?" Yoongi asked. He propped himself up on the bed, looking at Jungkook in confusion. Jungkook crouched down on the floor, closing his suitcase shut before he turned to the younger again. "Why are you so neatly dressed on a Saturday morning?" Yoongi asked again.

"I have to go on a business trip, baby," Jungkook informed him, he peeked on his watch before he continued. "My boss called me at midnight, telling me that they need me in Busan," Jungkook walked to their bed and sat on Yoongi's side. "I can't reject this project since it will give me a huge boost for my future promotion-I'm so sorry for leaving so suddenly," he said apologetically, he raised his hand to smooth out the lines on Yoongi's forehead.

"You are going to Busan?" Yoongi asked. "All of a sudden?" He asked incredulously. His boyfriend nodded, he leaned closer to Yoongi and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Yes," Jungkook murmured. "I will be back on Wednesday, okay?"

"This is so sudden," Yoongi found himself whining, he surged on Jungkook and putting his arms around Jungkook's chest before burying himself against his chest. He tried to be as careful as he could not to wrinkle Jungkook's suit jacket. "I thought we have plans for today," he sounded childish right now, but the business trip was indeed so sudden, and Yoongi wasn't ready to be left alone at home.

"I'm so sorry, Yoongi-ah," Jungkook patted his head affectionately before he untangled himself from Yoongi's hug. "Next time, I promise."

Yoongi pouted. He reluctantly gave in, and he knew that Jungkook couldn't just ditch his work to cater to his whinings, and Yoongi didn't want to hinder Jungkook's growth at work too. He got himself out of his blanket, set Jungkook's suitcase up on its wheels. Jungkook stood beside him and pressed his cheek on the side of Yoongi's head before he took the handle of the suitcase from him and rolled it along with them as they walked to the front door together. Jungkook turned to Yoongi after he finished putting his shoes on, a soft laugh escaped his lips when he saw a pout prominently presented on Yoongi's face.

I SET MY EYES ON YOU ~ Taegi / Yoonkook ff (Complete!)Where stories live. Discover now