Kenya's Room

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"Pey PLEAAASSEEEE turn this shit off!" I yell over her loud car speakers. We were on the way to Kenya's right after school and she was blasting J. Cole's album. I mean he's okay I guess, but this girl vibes with him WAY too hard for my taste.


And then she did it. She tested my soul. She turned it up even louder. 

See, I would've turned it down, but I made that mistake once and she damn near bit my hand off. Girl is crazy.


I sighed with a slight smile on my face at my crazy friend. Crazy to think a year ago I had only one friend, my basketball. Now I have Pey, Kenya, Daniel, Jacob, and hell... soon maybe even Chresanto! 

With friendships though, come secrets. Mine has been eating me alive for a week now... and I keep telling myself I'll tell Peyton and Kenya, but then again I'm not sure. I don't want to be judged, and I don't know how they will react. We've never really discussed something like this before, but then again, it may not be so bad.

We finally pulled up to Kenya's house and Peyton hit the curb so hard I almost peed myself. 

"WHOA! REALLY PEY?" I asked over her music.

"Hahahaha sorry!" 

She finally turned off the car and for the first time in the last 12 minutes I could hear. We walked up to the door and as soon as we were about to ring the doorbell, Kenya busts through the door. 

"There you are! Dang how slow do you drive Pey? You know what, just come on in." Kenya rushed.

Okay.... that was weird. She seemed so anxious to tell us something. Anyways next thing I know I'm practically being dragged up Kenya's hardwood stairs to her room. 

Kenya finally shut the door and spoke up with me and Peyton sitting on her bed.

"First things first. What is said in Kenya's room STAYS in Kenya's room. No blabbing to NO ONE! Got it?" She said in a serious tone.

"Yes" Me and Peyton said. 

Kenya took a deep breath... "So... a few nights ago is when I met Chresanto. My heart jumped out my chest. But there is something about him and I don't know what it is... I mean yeah he's fine as hell but that's not it. When I met him, it was in the GIRLS locker room. Like what was he doing in there? I didn't think much of it at first... but then I was thinking about meeting him over and over and I realized wait... how in the world does he know MY name? I didn't introduce myself or anything. And then, all I could think about was... what if he's working with Trevor or something guys? I didn't even invite him to sit with us today at lunch, he VOLUNTEERED."

Peyton stood up and put her hand on Kenya's shoulder. "K, I know what Trevor did shook you up bad, hell, it shook us all up, but just because something seems suspicious for one second doesn't mean we should jump to conclusions... maybe he just... likes you."

"Yeah. I mean he probably knew your name because you are on varsity cheer, and your name was flying around the school when Trevor got arrested. I'm pretty sure the freshmen know who you are too." I said.

"Ugh... yall are right. I hate when yall are right, it makes me feel so stupid sometimes." Kenya smiled.

"Well I guess I'm next..." Peyton said. She sighed heavily. "So yall realized that I didn't talk to Daniel today right?"

"How could we not?" Kenya asked.

"Well.... last night we were studying for our Government test, and we started kissing. Like at first you know it was like the average little peck, but then he had this LOOK. He leaned back in and deepened the kiss and started feeling under my shirt and I kept trying to get him to stop, but he wouldn't! And then he was kissing on my neck and I had enough so I stormed out his house. Guys, I've never dated anyone before and this is all happening so... so fast... and I-" She suddenly bursted out crying.

This was a side of Peyton I've never seen before. Yeah she's crazy, yeah she's smart, and yeah she has a quiet side, but I've never seen her this hurt. I ran up to hug her and Kenya did the same.

"Guys... I don't want this to ruin what me and Daniel have. I love what we have, but his hormones are completely out of control right now. I am SCARED for when we hang out again." She finished.

"Shhh Peyton look, first off you did nothing wrong, if you're not ready for something, you just aren't ready. And I know for a fact Daniel won't let you go. You are the sweetest thing ever, and if he does, we'll beat the shit out of him." I said.

She chuckled and hugged us back. She cleared her tears and went to sit back on Kenya's bed with Kenya by her side... leaving me standing. This was it, I was going to tell them what I've done. Am I guilty of it? No. I am well aware of my decisions, and if my friends are truly my friends, they will respect those decisions.

"Okay, I'm not gonna sugar coat this at all, I'm just gonna come out and say it..." I paused.

I took a deep breath and said it.

"I slept with Jacob."

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