We arrived in town to see if we could locate the elusive reporter,but as I had suspected she is know where to be found.
"Damn she isn't here" Kurt said
"What did the report actually say?" I asked
"That a woman matching Tessa Carlson's description was seen in the vacinity of the town ten minutes ago"Kurt said
"Did it say where specifically?" I ask
"No it didn't,but the person that made the report did say that they where near the town center" Kurt said
"Let's head there and see what happens " I suggest.

As we set off towards town I remained optimistic just in case this lead proved to be a dead end. For all we know Carlson might not even be here,or like last time she could be long gone. I saw Kurt glance over at me as we walked
"I know you're probably thinking this is another waste of time" he said
"A bit yeah" I said
"If it is we can check with the local businesses and see what they can tell us,and check any security cameras they might have" Kurt explained
"That makes sense " I said,we arrived in the town centre and looked around us. There is only a few people here and one of them is surprisingly Tessa Carlson.

"There she is, outside the cafe" I said to Kurt,we made our way towards her and she didn't move
"Tessa Carlson we have been looking for you" Kurt said
"And I've been waiting for you Inspector" Tessa said smiling " So what's it like to work with your own daughter,heart warming yes" Kurt and I looked at eachother confused
"How do you know this information?" I asked
"Issak Issakson" Tessa said drinking her coffee " He called me and told me all about the situation"
"He had no right to,this isn't anything to do with him or you" Kurt said.

"That's not how I see it" Tessa said" I see it as the two of you do actually need my help"
"Why do we need help from you,your just a lousy reporter " I said
"That is your opinion Miss Issakson but neither have you have been able to get any information from Inga have you" Tessa said
"What makes you think you can get information from her?" Kurt asked,we sat down at the table. I might not like how much this reporter knows about me,but if she can help we might just have to expect her help
"Well for one Inga doesn't know who I am,and I am also a trained divorce lawyer " Tessa said.

"But you aren't licensed anymore " I said,Magnus said there wasn't much to know about Tessa Carlson and this is probably why
"That is true but I still have all the know how" Tessa said" I can pose as Inga's lawyer and get the information you need from her"
"This is isn't right" Kurt said"I know reports lie for a living but this is going to far"
"But Inspector don't you want to know the truth,to know once and for all of Y/n is your daughter?" Tessa said,I watched Kurt think this over. If we go threw with this,we could get the answers we need.

"I'll tell you what why don't you think it over" Tessa said getting to her feet" I will give you both twenty four hours to think about my offer,if you are interested then call me" she put down a card on the table and walked off. Kurt and I sat in silence for a few minutes,both of us thinking over what had just happened. We both want to know the truth,and this reporter could give us that,but is it worth the risk.
"That was certainly unexpected " I said
"Don't think she will be any help" Kurt said" if Isaak did hire her,what does he get from all of this?"

"Maybe he wants the same as us" I said" Isaak must want the truth one way or another. And he thinks by hiring this reporter he will get the answers"
"There is that but why hire Tessa Carlson,why not someone else?" Kurt said looking at me
"Maybe they have a history of some kind " I suggested" Maybe old friends or even lovers"
"I'll have Martinsson look into it."

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