Chapter 1

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In a dark room an aged man of 50s was sitting on the couch surrounded by number of guards, sipping wine.

A muscular well chest built man in three piece suit with ear, eyebrow and lip piercing enters in a black building.His tattooed arm making him looking like not less than a mafia.Just then he enters, he saw some bodyguard were standing in all around in a room while a man was sitting in front of him.

The old man notice his presence in a room, he looks up to see and smiles saying.."..welcome Jk I was waiting for you only, come have a seat.."Jk sat on the sofa in front of him with straight face saying.."..I m not here to any drama, let's get to the point, so what is the deal Xavier.The man chuckled.."..ohk then the deal is simple you have to hand me all those drugs which is teleporting to other country next week and I will give you money.."Jk said.."..and why would I do that for you, why would I risk my life for you.."Xavier chuckled.."..well I don't think risk exist in your dictionary but definitely you won't be able to deny such amounts of money which I m going to handover to you.."Pointing to one of his man who came with briefcase and placed in front of him on a table.
Jk checked the case and nodded making Xavier smile.They were talking about the deal just then one of the bodyguard pulled his gun silently behind Jk, about to shoot him.Before he could do anything suddenly a bullet shot on his arm making hiss in pain and his gun fall from hand.Jk said.."..Don't act smart with me.."Xavier said.."..Just wanted to see is it too I heard about you, you are seriously right person for me.."With side smile.

Xavier : 50 years old drug dealer,
escort teenagers and young adults for drug and use them

JK : Jeon Jungkook ,Age 27,

JK : Jeon Jungkook ,Age 27,Assessin

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In love with assessinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora