Chapter 25

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"I made some terrible mistakes, and I'm sure you know by now that that's just part of who I am," George confessed.

Robert met his old friend's gaze steadily, without judgment or criticism. After all, who would I be, to judge him? He's the reason I'm still here.

The golf course parking lot during sunset was a good place for confessions, and always had been.

"I needed to get it off my chest," George went on. "You already know I was having an affair with Rose. And I was off with her, when Kim had Zane." He stared at him, as if bracing himself for a remark.

But I already knew. I already guessed that, and a lot of the others probably did, too.

"I should have been there with her," he continued, gaze hardening. "And I don't know why she forgave me, or how she doesn't suspect Rose and I by now. I mean, she doesn't, right?"

"I don't know." Robert bounced his springs. And I prefer not to get involved.

"Well, Rose and I are through now." His tone was steady, but he spoke the words carefully, as if they had been rehearsed. "I'll never sleep with her again. I have real priorities, and I chose Kim. I chose to have a baby with her, and I wasn't there. Was it as bad as everybody makes it seem? Michael still hasn't forgiven me – I don't blame him."

"It was pretty bad," Robert murmured. "You mean it, though, about Rose?" I find it so hard to believe, that after all these years, he'd suddenly get a wake up call and detach from her. That would be extremely difficult for him.

"Oh, I mean it," George growled. "I don't wanna be the bad guy anymore. I want to be loyal to the woman I chose, and raise Zane up right. Rose is going to have to work things out with Oliver, to keep herself from going insane, because that's not my job, and it never was."

This isn't George. This so isn't George! "You've changed," Robert murmured.

"The good stuff is still the same, though," he said gently. "I still enjoy a good drink of premium, and the thought of doing some donuts in a nice patch of dirt still tempts me. Temptations, Robert, they're everywhere!" He shuffled his wheels in the dirt, unable to hold himself still. "The difference is I'm choosing not to act on them now. My impulsiveness was a severe problem in my life, and acting on those impulses only rewarded me temporarily. I'd do anything to feel good for five minutes, even if it went against the morals of most. I recognize the damage that can do to not only me, but others around me, as well."

Robert turned a little to meet his headlights steadily. "Where did George go?" he asked.

"He's still here, I promise." He chuckled. "I just can't keep hurting Kim. She's not willing to leave me, that's the problem. I think if she said 'screw it,' and gave up, I'd deal with it and resort back to my old ways without a problem. But, I have a female by my side, and she may not be Rose, but she's cheery, and stubborn, and, most importantly, unwilling to give up on me. And that's not the kind of love I look for, but it's the kind I need."

Robert backed away a few inches. "You're scaring me," he teased.

"Rob." George lunged for him, giving him a little thump on the front bumper with his wheel. "I'm trying to be good! My momma would be so proud of me right now. She used to call me menace." He paused. "And I'm not all that different! The temptations are still there, I just choose not to act on them. Like, I can still admit that I'm attracted to Rose, it doesn't mean I'm gonna do anything with her."

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