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Val's POV

Is she flipping insane? She wants me to almost kiss her but not kiss her. Great! Like having to hold and touch her all day and her being all touchy would me isn't torture enough. I want to say no so badly but she looks so excited and eager to perfect this routine and so I agreed to try what she suggested. I hope I can control myself.

I spun her around and as she was about to come near me again I did what she told me. We spent a good 8 seconds staring at each other and practically breathing in each other's faces as her hand rested on my chest and all I'm thinking of is God she's beautiful and I hope she's not feeling how my heart's pounding loudly like a drum at the very moment because of the null space between us. This was the longest 8 counts of my life. How could I have controlled myself for so long? I mean look at those lips. Damn! Those lips and the way she bites them when she's thinking or now that she trying to pull an Anastasia. Val, control yourself. Please control yourself. I'm supposed to break away now but instead of doing that I did the complete opposite and did it. After months of screaming in my head no. I finally did it. I kissed her. I broke the rule and kissed her. This was the exact definition of something so wrong yet so good but a part of me really didn't care about the definition of right and wrong right now.

I felt her tense up for a little while but then she responded. For crying out loud she responded. Just before I was to give everything into that kiss and deepen it by pulling her closer, I felt her stop and pulled away. She looked at me with wonder in her eyes and all I could do was look at her the same.

"We shouldn't have done that." Her voice was low and that statement almost sounded like a whisper but I heard it loud and clear. I let her go as her own hands drop. She was looking at me, waiting for me to say something. I didn't know what to do or say. I meant it. I meant that kiss and I don't want to bullshit her by saying let's just forget about it.

"But I wanted to." That was the only thing that escaped my lips. I saw her face and the look of surprise in it. "I kissed you because I wanted to. I've wanted to for so long." There was no point of lying now. "And I know somehow you want it too. You kissed me back." she was surprised of my statement and it was evident in her face. Was she really that dense about my feelings for her? Was I acting so well that she really didn't notice?

"We made a deal, Val!" She slightly yelled as her eyebrows furrow and immediately she turned her back and started to gather her things. I can't believe she's going to walk out on me.

"I know! But look me in the eye and tell me you didn't kiss me back." I tried to match her voice in a less aggressive way. I know she kissed me back. That wasn't my imagination. She did and I want to know why suddenly she changed her mind. She turned and faced me.

"I told you we can't. We made a deal and agreed on it. You agreed to it." She emphasized the word "you" to make a point that I agreed to it and I know I did but from the start it was a lie. I just didn't have the guts to tell her that. She started storming out towards the door. A part of me wanted to stop her but then I know I caught her off guard with the kiss so she had every right to walk out on me.

"We made a deal that we couldn't date. But we didn't say I can't be human and fall in love with you." Yes! I said the "L" work. I know what I said about being in love with her made her stop dead in her track but after a few second of waiting she didn't turn around and just continued to walk again leaving me in the dance studio alone by myself but she still has my heart.

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