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Five-year-old Maddie is crouched down behind a tree in her backyard. Her and her dad are playing hide and seek and it is her turn to hide. 

Maddie covers her mouth as she waits for her dad to find her. She covers her mouth to muffle her laughs so he won't find her. 

Her dad whistles their secret whistle that he taught her, meaning he needs a hint. 

Maddie giggles before copying the whistle. She covers her mouth and waits for her dad to find her. 

She yelps when two arms wrap around her, pulling her out from behind the tree. 

"Daddy, you scared me!" 


Maddison's POV

"Are we pissin' our pants yet?"


I quickly glance up at the voice, stunned when I see none other but my father standing in front of us. 

I stare back at the ground and scoot back so I am hidden behind Carl. 

I hear my dad crack more jokes. Dumb ones, just like what he would always say before the outbreak. 

He goes on and on, I stare at the ground in front of me, waiting for this whole thing to end. 

Then I hear him bring up the bat he's been holding. 

 "This... this is Lucille. And she is awesome. You know, she is named after my wife, and she was my first kill with this bat, so I thought it was good to name it after her considering she was the first person to get her head bashed in with it." 


He killed mom...

I look up at him and see the serious look on his face, as soon as he starts to turn his head, I look back down at the ground. 

My head starts throbbing with pain as he continues talking. 

My dad makes his way over to Carl, he says some stuff to him but I can hardly hear it through the pounding in my head. 

I shift on my knees, making one of the twigs underneath me snap. 


I continue staring at the ground when I see two boots standing in front of me. "What do we got here?" I hear him say. 

I continue staring at the ground as he continues. 

"The ground isn't so interesting, why are you staring at it?" 

I unwillingly look up from the ground, I feel tears start running down my face. 

I am instantly met with a bat wrapped in barbed wire pointed in between my eyes. I look up at my dad and see the slightest bit of sadness on his face. 

He brings the bat down from my face and cocks his head to the side as he says, "Ho-ly shit," he lets out a laugh and then continues walking down the lineup.

Now my head hurts even worse than it did before and the only thing I can hear is a ring in my ear and muffled voices. 

I feel tears run down my face, but it's like I am in a giant ice block and my arms are stuck to my sides. 

I watch as my dad kills Abraham and Eugene, and then he leaves with Rick.

I stay sat down, not able to move a single limb in my body. The only thing I can move is my eyes, but I can't stop staring at the bodies of Abraham and Eugene. Heads replaced with blood. 

I still can't move anything when I feel two men picking me up and putting me in the back of a truck. I stare out the doors at Carl, who is yelling at the men to let me go. 

He stares at me and tells me I'll be okay, then the doors close and everything goes black. 


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