Chapter 2

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The painting, in its entirety, took up the better half of the day. Which has me relieved that I was already dressed for the ball. The only thing I would have to do before the ball is visit father. It has become our little tradition over the years. Before a party I would spend time in his office just the two of us talking about trivial things and just enjoying each other. Thinking back, it was the biggest thing I missed in my past life.
I was still seated in front of the painter when my mother and sister walked in. Their presence pulled me from my thoughts instantly. I have to keep my head straight, especially when they are around. Looking up I met my mother's gaze. I saw the look on her face and I knew I was going to get scolded after all of the festivities of the day were finished up.
“Miss Vandel, I have captured you likeness with the utmost perfection. You are free to finish readying yourself for the festivities of the night and I am so regretful that it took up most of the day.” Perre said standing up, turning to my mother he had a surprised expression on his face “Madam! I haven't a clue that you hand entered I am terribly sorry!” he bowed quickly, almost falling over.
My mother had a grotesque smile that didn’t meet her eyes. “No worries Piérre.” She said before examining the piece. “My daughter is simply lovely in this portrait. Once again your work never ceases to amaze me.” She makes eye contact with my sister and I. Signaling she wants us to leave the room with one look. “Rubella, you father requests you in his study.” She says as I start to walk out.
I quickly turned to her “I shall go see him then.” I curtsey to her and leave without a fuss. As I am turning the corner to head up the grand mahogany stairwell I run right into Cathleen. Her blue eyes bore into me, once this would have intimidated me.
“How could you?” she sneered.
“I haven’t a clue what you are talking about sister. Now father is expecting me so I must be on my way.” I say bobbing my head as I move around her to the stairs. When I made it to the landing at the top of the first flight I turned to her. “Oh and dear sister If you are planning on wearing white tonight I would highly suggest against it since it shall seem like you are quite desperate.” With that I walked away from her. Not bothering to even turn my head in her direction.
The door to my father’s office was a large set of french doors made of dark oak. I opened them without bothering to knock. Especially since I knew Father was waiting for me. As I enter the room father is sat behind his large desk with a stack of paperwork in front of him. He looked worried as he sat at his desk reading what I assume was the house ledger. He looked stressed out and it worried me “Is something wrong father?” I say sitting in the plush care across from his desk.
“Your mother once again has the leger in disarray  this month. From what I’ve found she lost us over 300 pounds this time.” He said putting down the paperwork to rub his forehead. “The tax season is coming up and I haven’t a clue what I am going to do. With the way things are going your mother is digging this family a hole I don't think we will be able to climb out of.”
I looked down at the ground mulling over his words. “Father, I have been studying household finance for some time now. Would it be appropriate If I might take a look? Maybe I would help you sort through it all.” I say reaching my hand out for my fathers. I knew he was taking on too much stress and what was to come.
My father looked at me “Are you sure you will be able to take on such a task? Your mother really does have this in all sorts of disarray.”
“That's exactly why I’m asking Father. It will be a great way for me to put my education to good use as well as prove to you that I am able to run a household.” I said finally looking at him. I saw pride in my father’s eyes at my words.
"If you think you are ready for such a big responsibility I will let you try it. Just this month." He said, meeting my eyes "If you can prove to me that you can do this. I'll make it permanent."
"Oh father, thank you!" I say jumping over the desk to hug him. Spilling all of the contents of his desk on the floor in my wake.
"Ella! My paperwork!" He attempted to scold me without any luck. Laughter filled the halls of his office causing my mother to storm in with heat in her gaze.
"Rubella!" She screeched. "You are going to ruin your dress and look at your hair. Are you trying to embarrass our family?" Her scolding me was the most annoying thing.
"No mother. Father and I were just playing like loving fathers and daughters do." I say, malice thick in my voice.
"Well get your childish rear end off of your father. Get this mess you made cleaned up and then I expect you to be in your room waiting for me to fix your hair and makeup." She said dumbfounded by me talking back.
“Actually mother, I have already picked out my personal maid so I will not require your assistance.” I say looking at her with a cold expression.
“That is absolute nonsense. Rubella you cannot appoint a maid without my permission.” She said “Now with this rubbish sorted I would hope you will have the sense to listen to your mother and get going.”
“Well mother, I hate to inform you that you have been misinformed. It is not your place to give permission on such things, it is fathers. And the only reason he would truly have a say is if he was adding someone new to the payroll, which he is not. So, Mother, I would appreciate it if you left me to spend half an hour with my father, which has been a family tradition since before Anthony was born.” I say finishing the conversation and started picking up and reorganizing father’s paperwork I had previously spilled.
“Robert, are you just going to let our daughter speak to me this way?” She whined looking at my father. The defeat in her voice was music to my ears.
“Well darling, Ella really hasn’t said anything wrong. She was just stating a fact.” He said turning to me, “And who is this ‘new maid’ ? I must have an audience with her and give her a raise.”
“Oh father, she would love that. When I’m done here I shall rush to my room to give her this amazing news.” I say purposely ignoring my mother’s presence.
“My lord Robert. You must be kidding. Our daughter just disrespected me, her mother, in our home and you are going to do nothing?” She said tapping her shoe.
“I wouldn’t say she disrespected you Marleen. More like educated you on something that was above your statues.” He said, pulling out another sheet of paper. “Now please we have a tradition to keep and you have just ruined a rather important conversation with your blatant disregard for a closed door.”
With his statement I was filled with complete shock. I have never once seen or heard my father stand up to my mother. I couldn’t help but feel the pride that radiated off of me in this moment. I had already changed the past in one day. The slamming door pulled me back to reality and I once again gave my father my full attention.
“Now that was a close call I thought you were going to make your poor mother explode.” my father said. “I am so proud of you for finally standing up for yourself.” He said pulling the ledger out of a drawer I hadn’t realized he stashed it in and handing it to me. “Here is the ledger, and here is a new one for you to sort everything into.” He said handing me an identical one. “Please Ella, Help your poor old father.”
“Papa you are anything but old.” I said walking over to him. “Thank you for giving me the chance. I shall start working on this as soon as I get back to my room and I shall send for you if I have any questions.” With that I kissed him on the head and went back to my room.
Upon entering my room, I found it empty. So, I quickly stored the ledgers in my desk before ringing for Lena. She hurried in and got to work touching up my hair and makeup for tonight. Her skillful hands hid every little imperfecton brought on by the days effects. Soon, I was ready for my debut as a debutaunt. As I decended the stairs that night I saw nothing but pride in my fathers eyes, excitement in Lena’s, and jelousy in my sisters. At that time, however, I did not care. All I cared about was the delightful feeling that crept into me signifying now had the power to choose for myself the kind of life I was going to lead. This was my night and no one was going to forget it.

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