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we're so back!!! i'm excited to start writing this
story again! (finally got over my writers block to continue
this story, sorry for the wait!) 

also thank you for those who have
decided to continue this story <3

also thank you for those who have decided to continue this story <3

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When the two boys get to the ocean, Jisung is instantly met with excitement at the sight of the beach. It's windy and cold, but it doesn't stop Jisung from running towards the water and taking off his shoes along with his socks. Minho watches from the side and shakes his head once Jisung walked inside the water; a hiss dragging out of his mouth.

"Ah, it's cold," Jisung mumbled as he felt the water on his feet.

"Yeah, and you're gonna get sick if you keep standing there," Minho pointed out as he spread a beach blanket over the sand so he could sit. "I sweat to god Jisung, if you end up sick, I'm gonna kick your butt."

Jisung chuckled and he slowly rolled up his jeans so they wouldn't get more soaked as they were getting. "It's fine. I don't mind getting sick. In fact, I quite like it."

Minho's brows furrowed at the surprising new information he found out from the brunette. "You like to—what now? Get sick? For fun or something?"

Jisung chuckled lightly. "Well, I kinda lied...I don't like it. But I think it's romantic."

"Romantic? How so?" Minho wondered, quite literally taken aback.

Jisung shrugged as he slowly ran his hand across the ocean's waves delicately. "If you're in a relationship...Your lover would be there for you..And, they'd take care of you...You know, stuff like that.."

"Ah...So you like it 'cause not because you like the feeling of it, but you like the feeling and the thought of having someone worried about you?"

Jisung hums. "Yeah! Like that!"

Minho's hum trails off as so do his thoughts. He had to make sure to take note of Jisung's words now.

Take extra care of him when he gets sick.

Got it. Perfect.

"Are you gonna get out now? Or are you gonna wait a little more longer so you'll get sick?"

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