chapter 25✿

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I jump out of bed and scramble to get my clothes from the floor. I put them on sloppily and open the door quickly, making sure neither my mother or brother can see me. Once I make sure they aren't in sight I run straight to my room- well, the guest room- and lay on the bed. Within seconds, my mother's heavy footsteps are getting closer and closer.

"Get up, May!" She yells as she barges into my room. I should have locked the door.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, sitting up.

"You and your brother are coming home right now."

"We're not going anywhere." I say sternly as I stand up.

"Do you forget who you're talking to?" She asks.

"No, I remember perfectly. And i'll remember again perfectly tomorrow, which is more I can say for you." I say, not regretting a single word.

"What is that supposed to mean?" She asks.

"You know what it means."

Just as my mother opens her mouth to probably yell at the top of her lungs, Michael appears in the doorway.

"Just leave, mum. We're not going anywhere." He says.

"You two are my children and I am the parent. You do what I say."

"I'm not doing anything you say." I tell her.

Luke emerges into the doorway too.

"What the hell is going on?" He asks, shaking his wet hair with the towel, clearly fresh out of the shower.

"Stay out of this." My mother says.

"Ma'am with all due respect, this is my house." He says.

Even when my mother is a complete bitch to Luke, he's still respectful. And attractive as hell with wet hair. How did I get so lucky? Stop it May this isn't the time to be thinking about Luke. Or his hair.

"Well with all due respect," my mother mimics, "these are my kids."

"Would you just leave? No one wants you here! I came to Sydney to see Michael, not you." I yell.

"You think you're so much better than us don't you? You and your useless father. You both think you're so much better than Michael and I. Just because of the one mistake I made so many years ago doesn't mean you or your father are any better than I am." She says.

What mistake? How drunk is she?

"What are you on about?" I question.

"You think that just because your father has a great job and you two live in a big house that you both are so much better than Michael and me? Well think again. Your father is a waste of space, and you're not far off either. I don't regret doing what I did anymore. And I'm glad I didn't raise you, because I wouldn't ever want to take credit for raising the whore you've become." She says.

"Get the fuck out! Now!" Luke yells at the loudest i've ever heard him yell before.

"Don't tell me what-"

"I swear to god i'll fucking call the cops on you, you pathetic drunk. Get the fuck out of my house!" Luke screams.

Surprisingly, my mother turns on her heels and walks out of the room.

As soon as the front door slams, Luke comes close to me.

"You're not a whore. Don't listen to anything she just said. You know it's just because she's drunk. And a bitch. She's right about one thing though, you are so much better than her." Luke says with a smile.

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