Chapter 6 Jealousy at the park

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As Gregory woke up in the morning, he attempted to rouse Cassie, who was fast asleep. Noticing her exposed stomach, he gently touched her with his cold hand, prompting her to spring up with a karate chop that accidentally hit Gregory's nose, causing it to bleed.

Cassie, apologetic, exclaimed, "OMG, Gregory, I'm sorry!"

Gregory, covering his nose, replied, "I should be more careful. Lesson learned."

Cassie, attempting to cover up her slip, quickly added, "Or wake me up with your cute cold hands."

Gregory, puzzled, responded, "What?"

Realizing her mistake, Cassie nervously dismissed it, "Oh, nothing. It's nothing."

As Cassie helped him with his nosebleed, they proceeded to make breakfast together. Vanessa suggested a trip to the park, where Cassie persuaded Gregory to join her on the swings, despite his reservations about their age.

After enjoying the swings, Cassie left to get drinks from the minimart. In her absence, a girl approached Gregory, recognizing him from the pizza complex incident. Cassie returned to find them talking and, feeling jealous, whisked the girl away for a one-on-one chat.

Cassie, angered, warned, "Gregory belongs to me. He's mine."

The girl, Elizabeth, countered, "You don't own him."

Cassie, restraining herself, took a deep breath and returned to Gregory, deciding to enjoy the rest of their time at the park

Gregory: so what did you say to her I just saw her took off in fear

Cassie: just a simple all girls talk you know day-to-day life etc. etc.

Gregory: ok sure my practice starts next Monday are you going to watch me

Cassie: of course why not

Cassie: and dream about your sexy 6 pack

Gregory: what

Cassie: nothing hey that girl you were talking to be careful with her she looks like she's up to no good

Gregory: all right whatever anyways let's go back home I want to kick your butt in Mario kart again

Cassie: where we play Zelda

Gregory: sure whatever you want I don't care

Cassie: yay lets go

Gregory x cassie In love with my one and only best friendDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora