Chapter 32

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Sweat of fear dripped from the faces of accused. Adwait sat beside his brothers hearing the courts verdict. Keyur clamped his hand on Rayaan's shoulder. Years of struggle and months of going through shit finally made them realise that truth shall prevail no matter what we face.

"The court recognises Usha and Pratap Toshniwal as prime suspects in the case. Given the evidences, we the jury conclude that all three brothers I.e Rayaan, Keyur, Adwait Toshniwals were proven innocent." Jury announced as Rayaan smiled. He knew years of planning and perfect time to execute it will never go wrong.

"We the jury have decided lifetime imprisonment for Usha and Pratap. Dedicated fine should be recovered from them, the said verdict has been decided keeping in mind that they were threat to national security and guilty in the case of kidnapping their daughter in laws. Killing unborn child of one of the ladies." The jury announced.  Keyur looked down remembering how devastated they were. Adwait on the other hand couldn't meet his parents eyes. After the court is adjourned, their lawyers took them to a room. Going through formalities, Rayaan signed for the last time. It's been an year since they submitted their proofs and helped local police to nab the mafia.

"Thank you,  your cooperation helped us a lot." Shekhawat spoke shaking his hands with Adwait who just nodded his head.

" Your parents and uncle's are guilty of many other things too. Their sentence will be changed once court goes through those proofs too. Illegal mining, money laundering and many other cases were filed by your previous board members." Shekhawat said to which all three brothers nodded their head.

"I am glad you boys had perfect plan to use your bullets. Which I think have hit the bulls eye! Well done! Rayaan I am so glad you were working with us all this while. With your help we could kill people who got involved in the bussiness. I am sure your wife is happy to know that you have been taking our help to dispose off unnecessary people." He continued. Rayaan just smiled at him.

All three of them walked back to their cars avoiding media. The journey back to Mansion was filled with memories of past one year. Adwait's baby boy made sure no one misses fun. His cute antics and naughty giggles filled their lives with joy.

Srida anxiously waited for her husband with their son Veer. It was the name chosen by Adwait. Baby held on to his mother looking around the garden when he spotted his aunts Radha and Sevya walking around. Once he saw his dad's car enter the Mansion Veer slipped from his mother's hold, wobbling his way towards Adwait.

"Oh my my! Look at you! You started walking last week! Now you are running!." Adwait cooed waiting for his son to reach him.  Keyur hopped out and took Veer in his arms earning melodious giggles from him.  All the family members gathered around the active child.

"Let's go inside and rest for a while." Srida suggested. She needed to know what happened at the court. Her instincts told her Adwait got something up his sleeve.

" Adwait." She called as he placed Veer in play area.

"Yes baby?." He asked kissing her.

" Adwait! You should not kiss me infront of him!." She whined again. He smiled dragging her inside their washroom. Making out for few minutes,  Adwait released a sigh holding her waist.

"Now tell me what happened?" Srida asked him.

"Bhai has been working with officer Shekhawat since the time he took over our other bussiness. So we got saved. Dad somehow proved that Bhai killed everyone but in reality under cover agents were monitoring every move." He confessed. Srida gasped hearing new piece of information. They couldn't share anything with their wives as it might possess as threat.

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