Starless phenomenon

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It was supposed to be a good day but the stars falling was a bad enough omen, why did the naïve astrologist ignore that warning?

A mythical race so powerful and arrogant, that it angered the Prime god they once served. The pitiful astrologist never believed in such things, that is, until now. She crawled from under the rubble, drenched in blood that was hers. The sky... it's supposed to be nighttime, but it burned so bright and the stars, looked like dead but dangerous shells of what it used to symbolize.

The stars rained on the land instead of adorning the sky with its beauty, believers would gleefully say that the stars were just sharing their beauty, but they're all dead now because the stars would've already crushed them into illuminated, gory mush.

Everywhere the astrologist looked, there was chaos. Parents holding decapitated or dismembered children who didn't receive a pinch of mercy from the stars, the same also went the other way around. People who were running for their lives were now burning and bursting into colourful flames while the skin glowed like hot iron except with boiling bubbles of carbon dioxide forming on the outside.

The people who were stupid enough to help those who were in flames vaporized into thin air, but at least they were lucky enough to live as worthless ashes on the muddy soil. And some who cast 'protection' or 'shield' spells melted into an icky, gooey mess. The only thing that didn't melt was the residue of said spells which was sticky like melted plastic if you dared to touch it.

Foolish astrologist thought she was safe if she hid under the rubble she crawled out of and she would be proven wrong, very quickly. In a matter of just mere seconds, she was blinded by the falling star that was about to crash on her. Her sight turned into glowing white light, the kind of light you would expect to see if you died. Excruciating pain filled the entirety of her body, it was an overflowing, searing pain combined with the force of air that was enough to make her eyes and guts fall backwards. She was launched into the air at an incredible speed and when the poor astrologist felt no gravity, she couldn't feel her arms or her legs her spine felt like it shattered into a thousand pieces and her joints throbbed with cold pain, where her limbs should be. The pain was the last thing the astrologist felt before she froze in space...

But one day a newborn star came across the carcass of a long-dead girl, her limbs were brutally strewn apart and her head was still connected to her head through a burnt, rotten, thin strip of fleshy tissue. The corpse's eyes were wide open and sunken but yet, tears still leaked out from the damaged tear ducts. The newborn star felt disturbed and concerned for the corpse, so disturbed and concerned that it had the courtesy to gather other stars to help fix the corpse together.

And it was that hopeful day, did the fortunate astrologist opened her eyes once more, surrounded by the stars that resurrected her. The astrologist did not remember anything other than her tragic death but now, her limbs were back and she wasn't in pain anymore! Oh god, she could communicate with stars now, even breathe and move freely in the void of space!

She thanked the kind stars that brought her back, she was grateful but without her memories, she had the urge to fill that space up with new memories.

For hundreds of years, the astrologist wandered the void, without rest or food because she didn't feel the need for anything of that sort up here in the void. She found a way to move through time by navigating the void, her physical body may not expire but the longer she lived she was growing more and more insane. If the lost astrologist longed to be sane again, she had to hastily fill her own void.


While the astrologist was travelling the void, she hit something hard, she braced herself for impact but by that time, she was out cold in a place in deep space she did not know of.

A spaceship...? Yes, it was a spaceship. The astrologist didn't think she would encounter one this deep in the void.

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