54: Beth

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After hastily taking down my bun and running my hands through my hair and bangs, I look in the mirror beside the front door of my house in the foyer, eh, I guess I don't look too ugly. I slip on my nike slip-ons and open the door, I gasp and cover my mouth at what I see.

First off, I see a grinning Harry, holding a bear literally the size of me, well he isn't really holding it, kind of just making sure it doesn't fall from his grip and onto the grass, where he then has a blanket with pizza slices printed on it spread out, I love pizza. On top of the blanket is an array of different types of candy, M&M's, Twix, Snickers, Starburst, and there's so much of each kind. I step down from my doorway to get a better look.

"Harry, y-you did this for me?" I ask him and he peeks from behind the huge teddy bear and nods. I laugh and take the bear from him and set it down on my porch steps. Then I give Harry the biggest and tightest hug I've ever given anyone. "Are you trying to fatten me up?" I joke, he chuckles.

"I think there might be something else on the blanket than just candy." Harry says and I can feel his chest vibrate as he talks, I look up at his smiling face and I smirk.

"You sneaky little sneak." I say and let go of him and kneel down onto the blanket, I move around all the candy trying to find whatever Harry was talking about, I finally find an envelope. I waste no time as I tear it open and take out a piece of folded notebook paper, I unfold it to reveal a note written in cute boy handwriting.

Dear Beth, I know we used to hate each other only months ago, well, I never hated you to be honest. I guess I've always, kind of maybe sort of had a teeny tiny little crush on you, yeah. You seemed to hate me so I just went a long with it, I even tried to date other people in hopes of getting over never being able to be with you, but those dates never lasted the whole night, I would feel guilty and like a coward for not telling you how I really felt, and how I still do feel right now.

Anyways enough of the sappy shit, I like you Bethanie, Bethany Beth, and nothing's gonna change that, so, um, will you officially be my girlfriend?

-all the love, H

I look up at Harry with a smile so big on my face that it hurts. He holds his hand out for me to get up and I accept it.

"Do you really mean that Harry?" I ask him.

"Of course."

"Then, yes, I will be your girlfriend." I say and give him a kiss on the cheek, he smiles and his dumb dimple shows, it will be the death of me I swear.

"You won't regret it Beth, I swear." Harry says. I catch him off guard with a punch to the shoulder, he immediately grabs his shoulder and lets out a painful 'ow'. I smirk.

"My name is not Bethanie, or Bethany, it is Beth." I say firmly, but there's a laugh threatening to escape my lips.

Harry laughs and pulls me close, his face is dangerously close to mine. "Okay, Beth." He sing songs and then closes the space between us and kisses me.

a/n #2 ahhhhh yay they're together ((((((:

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