Chapter 22

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"What do you want, Jacob?" I asked.
"I want you to stop running." he said.
"If I don't run, I'll get nowhere." I told him.
"Don't run. Just walk. Walk leisurely through life." He said.
"I can't. Leisure isn't in my vocabulary. It doesn't exist for me." I told him.
"It exists for everyone. Come with me, and I'll show you. We can run away from this world. I want to help you, Zoe." He said.
"I think we both know that even if we did run, we'd be caught. And you might not be punished, but I would be dead in a second at a vampire's hands. I can't go with you. I can't leave Prince Alex." I said.
"Zoe!" Said a voice from behind me.
I turned and saw Prince Alex.
"Jacob! What are you doing here? And with her!" He growled.
"I wanted to help her." Jacob said.
"You aren't to lay a hand in her. Zoe, what did he do to you?" He asked, rushing over to me, and kneeling down to eye level.
"He didn't do anything. Not that you would care." I mumbled.
"What?" He asked.
I shoved him back, got up, and ran again.
I ran out of the alleyway and back towards the bookshop.
All of a sudden, Prince Alex appeared in front of me. I rammed into him and fell to the ground.
Before my body had barely even hit the ground, I was grabbed by my neck and held up.
"Zoe. Stop running. Now you're going to tell me exactly what happened." He commanded.
"No. I'm done taking orders from vampires. I don't care if you kill me, at least I'll be reunited with my family. At least I'll actually feel the pain that those sick, cruel vampires forced upon my family for trying to protect me. I don't care what you do to me." I spat.
"Oh, sweetheart. I can do a lot worse than kill you. So I'm giving you one last chance, tell me what happened." He commanded.
"It's not you." I whispered in shock.
"What?" He asked.
"Please let me go." I whimpered trying to look and sound as helpless as possible.
He let go of my neck, and I fell to the ground on my hands and knees. His knee came in contact with my stomach, and I was pushed into my back. His foot was there is a second, shoving me into the ground.
"Sir, please." I gasped for breath.
"Tell me." He demanded, his tone as serious as ever.
"No." I said, loud and clear, so that there would be no question as to what I did next.
I grabbed his foot and shoved it back at him. He fell to the ground.
I stood up, and ran.
I couldn't stop. I wouldn't stop.
I ran all the way back to the castle.
I burst through the door to the castle "Ryder!" I screamed and ran up the stairs.
I ran to Ryder's room, and didn't bother to knock.
I burst in.
"Ryder!" I screamed.
"Zoe! What's wrong?" he asked.
"It's Alex. He... He's not the same. It's not him!" I rambled, out of breath from the long run.
Ryder was about to respond when we heard the door burst open.
"Zoe!" Screamed the voice of Alex.
'It's not him. No matter how much you want to believe it. It's not him!' I thought, so hard I thought Ryder could hear me.
'I believe you. Alex would never get that mad.' Ryder's voice said in my head.
I jerked my eyes back to him.
'Did that really just happen?... Never mind. We have to stop him.' I thought again.
"Zoe! You do not just leave your master like that." He yelled.
"Who are you?" I asked confidently.
"I'm Alex. I'm your master." He grunted.
"No you're not. now tell me who you are!" I screamed.
Just then, Alyssa came out of the bathroom. I eyed her, and Alex did the same.
He started making his way over to her, but I ran in front of her, block her from his path.
"Zoe, move." He commanded.
"No. You won't hurt her. You can do whatever you want to me, but you will not lay a finger on her." I spat.
I saw Ryder cast his hand out towards me, and memories came flooding back. Memories from before my birth.
"You'd best remember who you ar..."
"I know who I am. And I know where I am. I suggest you learn that for yourself before messing with me, Sir Edward." I spat.
"What? How'd you know?" he asked.
"That's for me to know, and for you to never find out." I said.
A stake appeared in my hand, and I plunged it through his heart.
He fell to the ground, lifeless. He melted to dust.
George walked in. He looked from me to the dust pile, to the stake in my hand.
He looked at Alyssa.
"Did she...?" He began.
"Yeah. She definitely knows now." Alyssa said.
They both walked in front of me and kneeled.
"Zoe, you're an..." Alyssa started.
"I'm an immortal. And so are you two. You were sent to this world to protect me, until it was my time to rule again. You did an amazing job." I told them.
They both stood up, and I embraced them.
"Thank you. I owe you both my life, more than you could ever know." I whispered.
"Zoe. What about Alex?" Ryder asked.
We all pulled back.
"I don't know. We can only hope he's alive." I said.
"Oh, he's alive. And boy is he mad at that guy. And that guy isn't dead. He just teleported to back to the immortal world. He's plotting his revenge. He wants Zoe. And he won't stop until he has her. He'll kill anyone who stands in his path." Said Jacob, appearing in the door way.
"Where is he?" I asked.
"He's at the school." He said.
"Oh thank goodness, I thought he was going to be some where terrible." Said Ryder.
"You didn't let me finish. He's at the school, for vampires. In the immortal world. And he's about to go through something 10 times as bad as what Zoe went through." Jacob said.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"You know how vampires can't die?" He asked and I nodded my head.
"Well, let's just say, he's about to wish they could." He said.
"But... But he can't die!" I screamed.
"I love him." I whispered.

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