Twenty-One|| Kiss Me

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"So, kiss me kiss me kiss me and tell me that I'll see you again. 'Cos I don't know, if I can let you go" -5SOS, Kiss me, Kiss me.

Twenty-One|| Kiss Me

I clutched my books tighter as I looked rapidly in between the mass of students like the paranoid person I am.

I had successfully avoided Parker for the past week but it was only a matter of time before I bumped into him.

"Hiya, Collins."

I jumped back at the high voice and hit the lockers behind me, making a harsh noise echo through the halls.

Groaning, I stood up correctly and glared accusingly at a smirking Jenna.

"Jesus," she muttered, "A little clumsy are we?"

"What do you want?" I hissed as I looked around to make sure Parker wasn't lurking anywhere.

"I just wanted to catch up with my friend," she explained as if it were obvious.

"Huh, I wasn't aware that you had any friends," I replied and instantly shut my mouth with wide eyes.

I can't believe I just said that.

"I will mess you up."

"Just like your family's genes messed up your face?" I slapped my hand over my mouth in a failed attempt to keep my lips glued together.

Oh, feces.

Jenna's features twisted into ones of anger and I stepped back a few times.

"Nice talk, we should avoid doing it in the future," I muttered in fright and started sprinting the other way.

Once I realized Jenna wasn't following me- which was when I had arrived at the football field- I halted and dropped to the ground in a exaggerated manner.

"Thank you!" I exclaimed and pointed at the sky. "Thank you," I said again but this time a little quieter.

"You're welcome, babe," I heard a deep voice say.

"God?" I questioned and sat down quickly as I looked at the sky.

"Well, people do say I have the resemblance of a God." Parker sat beside me and winked.

My cheeks heated up and I groaned. "I think they meant dog."

Parker raised his brows and turned his body toward me. He had to be at least 4 inches away from me. "I'm sorry, would you repeat that?" He remarked as he kept getting closer to my face.

"Ummm- I," I stuttered as I struggled to push away from him.

"You..." He trailed off. He was so close, so close. Please, somebody help me.

"I think you said something about me looking like a dog," he muttered as if this situation were so amusing for him.

"What? I would never!"

Then the most disgusting thing happened.

He licked my cheek.

I shrieked and pushed him away while I tried to wipe his saliva with the sleeve of my shirt. "What the hell, Parker?"

He smirked at me and shrugged. "Woof, Woof, cupcake."

I glared at him while wiping the life out of my right cheek. "You're gross."

A huge smile took over his face as he once again inched closer.

"What are you-" I didn't even get to form the question before I was tackled to the ground. I could feel Parker's fingers at my stomach and I swear I was about to yell rape until I realized that he was tickling me.

"S-Stop," I exclaimed at the top of my lungs, "Stop!" I could stop the string of laughter that followed.

I desperately tried to pry myself away from him but he quickly pinned my hands over my head with one hand and tickled me with the other.

"Please, I-I'll d-do any-thing!"

He stopped tickling me as if he had a sudden realization, all signs of laughter gone from his face.

"Anything?" He whispered seriously. I nodded doubtfully and stared at him as if he had grown another head.

"Kiss me."

Author's Note

Good Sunday, I hope everybody is having a great father's Day.

I know this is short, not to mention that there is a cliffhanger but do not fear, floatsus if here.

I am going to be stuck in a bus for 4 hours with my classmates on my way to San Antonio, Tx. So expect an update really soon.

Anyway, how ya'll been?

Yes, I just used ya'll.

I didn't set up any goals last chapter so I'll do them on this one.

Reads: 200

Votes: 24

Comments: 6

Can we do that?

Heck yell me can!

Hasta la vista, beibi (Baby).

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