Chapter Eighteen: Hunting II

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North Field

  White Vampire was running through the forest. She breezed through the trees, it was more like she was a spirit than a person. As she looked around her surroundings, through the gaps of the trees, she saw her first targets. She stopped abruptly, covering herself in the trees. It was a middle aged man with a young woman. The two were accompanied by other people, it seemed like they were enjoying themselves with drinks. >So... There are still people here.< White Vampire thought to herself, the last time she was here, she woke up in front of a cherry blossom. >... Time to finish what they started..< White Vampire thought to herself, unsheathing her katana, the blade shined from the post lights that were under the dark sky.


East Field

  Black Phoenix dropped down from mid-height, he was in a well lit building that looked expensive from the inside. His footsteps echoed in the hallway of the building, tugging on the collar of his crimson gloves. His tattered red scarf wrapped around his neck and covered his mouth. >Now then... How long will this take?< Black Phoenix thought to himself, he looked from top to bottom of the expensive building. When he looked down at the ground level of the building, there were people talking to each other, their chattering filled the building. It seemed like they were having a banquet. Each person wore fancy clothing, some holding drinks, and some just chatting to each other. As his eyes scanned the ground floor, he counted there to be around 200+ people in the building. "This banquet will be cut short." Black Phoenix said to himself, taking out his daggers from his trench coat.


West Field

  Blue Demon walked around the perimeter of a house, he knew where his target was, he knew where he was. It was this home, it was this person that caused him to lose her. >I've found you.< Blue Demon thought to himself, his eyes locked onto him, Takuro Akira. He was a criminal who ran under the radar, Blue Demon knew him, he searched for him, and now, here he was. Blue Demon thought back to some months ago, when he found what Akira had done.




Eleven Months Ago

  "Yuki...?" He was in a state of shock, his girlfriend was lying there, dead. He held onto her, screaming out in pain. "She was great and all. She was crying out for you." Akira had a sadistic smile on his face as he watched him scream out. He continued to describe everything in detail, from start to beginning. The disgusting things he had done to Yuki. "I'll kill you... I'll fcking kill you..." He said, seething in rage as he held Yuki so close to him. "You can try, but I will always be steps ahead of you." Akira responded, acting so high and mighty as he looked down at him.


South Field

  >Haven't been here for a long time...< Haze thought to herself, she looked around the neighborhood, walking through it. >There isn't anyone here, so I might as well take my time.< Haze thought as she put her hands to the back of her hand, walking leisurely down the street. She whistled to herself as she walked down. Haze had been an assassin for X-Factor for years now, so she was usually excused when she laid off on her work. She heard some quick footsteps, looking to her right, she saw a man running through the street. "... New target." Haze whispered to herself as her hand latched onto the revolver that rested on her waist.


Tōkai Street

  Rośe was walking down the streets of Tōkai. It was well lit as the lights from the street lamps and the stores were on, giving city streets life. Rośe was wearing long gray pants, with a dark colored hoodie. Her hands were in the hoodies pockets, keeping her hands warm. Whenever she had time, she would go out for late night walks. The peaceful atmosphere, the tranquility, she liked everything about these walks. As Rośe exhaled, she could see her breaths from the cold air. She couldn't believe that the autumn season had come so quickly, meaning the winter season would be coming too. It was like it was yesterday when Nelivia and Eliward had come to take a visit to Tempo.

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