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Aviana's POV:

Today I go back to school. I'm not looking forward to it. Now I have to face Keaton and Jay after what happened at the movies.

Just great.

I change and finishing getting rest for school before I hear a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I yell. In walks Deimos.

I cannot get over how good looking he is.

I guess I was looking at him for a little too long because I didn't even realize he walked over to me until he said my name and snapped me out of my trance.

"Baby?" I look at him and smile. Shit. Caught.

"Are you ready to go?" He asks with a smirk.

"Yup, let's go," I reply with sigh. He looks at me with a knowing expression on his face.

He leads me out a door and into a huge garage, with at least 20 cars in it, all extremely expensive cars.

"Wow," I say looking around in awe. "This is beautiful."

"It is," he says. I look over at him to already find him looking at me. I blush and look back at all the cars.

"Pick one," he says. I look over at him confused.

"Pick a car?"

"Yes, what's mine is yours baby." He smiles.

I look around until one car catches my eyes.

"This one," I point to it

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"This one," I point to it. He smirks before walking me over to it and opening the door for me.

"Good choice."

He shuts the door and I see him walk over to a wall of car keys. He grabs some keys and walks back over to the car and gets in.

"Alright, let's go," he says and quickly peels out of the garage. He puts his hand on my inner thigh, making me melt.

The whole ride was spent with us chatting about school and my family. He seemed very interested in my academics and home life. I don't like talking about my family much. So I kept talking about them to a minimum.

After about 10 minutes, we pulled up to the school. Deimos parks and quickly gets out of her car and opens my door for me. I step out of the car and immediately want to retreat back inside.

Everyone is staring at us.


God I hope Jay and Keaton aren't here yet.

I take a deep breath, anxiety filling me. Deimos seems to notice because he quickly pulls me into a hug and kisses my forehead deeply.

"You'll be okay, darling. If you need anything, you call me and I will be here."

I look up at him and smile.

"Thank you, Deimos."

I feel him shudder and quietly growl.

"I love when you say my name," he growls. I blush and he tilts my head up before pulling me into him even more, kissing me passionately.

I am not a big fan of PDA, but I'm too sucked into this moment to care.

He pulls away before giving me one last peck. He bids me a goodbye and watches me walk into the school, making sure I got there safely.

As soon as I walk into the school, I'm bombarded by Dom, Haize, Ky, and Sam.

If I'm being completely honest, so much has happened these past few days, I forgot about them. And now I feel bad.

"Hey Aviana!" Sam exclaimed before pulling me into a hug.

I smile and hug him back. "Hi Sam." I turn to the others.

"Hey guys!" I say with a wave. They all beam at me.

"Where have you been gorgeous?" Asks Ky.

"Yeah, we've trying to get ahold of you for days now," adds Dom.

"I'm sorry guys, so much had happened these past few days, I've barley been on my phone."

"It's okay," says Haize. "By the way, Jay and Keaton are looking for you."

I groan.

"Whats wrong?" Asks Dom. I give him a pointed look.

"I'll tell you guys about it later. I got to get to class." They all nod and bid me goodbye.

I walk to my first class. Science. With Jay and Keaton.

I sit down in my seat and lay my head down. God I'm so exhausted. And I'm not looking forward to seeing either of them.

After a few minutes, I feel movement next to me. I feel someone start to rub up and down my back.

I look up to find Jay.

"Hi baby," he says. I look back at him and say nothing. I want to tell him to stop touching me, but it feels too good.

He keeps doing it until I feel another hand start to run through my hair. That's not Jay.

I look up again to find Keaton looking down at me sadly. I can tell they've both missed me, but they dug their own grave.

"Kitten we need to talk," says Keaton.

"I don't have anything to say, you're to one's who need to apologize."  They nod their heads.

"We know, baby. Please just give us one chance," adds Jay. I sigh deeply. I cant keep running from this.

I nod and they smile.

"Thank you, Baby." I look over at Keaton and nod.

I just hope this wasn't going to be a mistake.

I just want things back to normal.


Guys I actually can't believe y'all. We're almost at 5,000 reads. Just a few weeks ago I was thank you guys for only 300!

I'm so so so grateful for all the love and support on this story.

Im sorry for shorter chapter, I'm having a bit of trouble trying to figure out what to write. If you have any suggestions, comment please!!!

I love you all!

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