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She reaches home and Namjoon is already sitting on the couch.

Y/n: Good evening

Namjoon finds it weird to wish him like this.

Namjoon: I want to talk to you.

Y/n (smiles): Whatever you want to say, let's talk after dinner, I will come after taking a bath.

Saying this she starts going towards the room.

Namjoon was feeling even more awkward now, he could not digest Y/n's sudden change of behavior.

Namjoon: Let's get divorced!

His words stop Y/n's steps

Y/n turns to Namjoon

Y/n: What?

Namjoon: You said that because of me your life has become hell and you are also not happy with this marriage, so it is better for us to separate than to give pain to each other, let's get divorced. I have already signed these papers, now please you also.

Y/n's heart broke into million pieces,

she spoke in a crack voice

Y/n: I said all that in anger, it does not mean that we should separate, let's sit and talk peacefully, it is not right to take any decision in haste.

Namjoon: The time for sitting and talking is over, there is nothing to talk about, and talking won't solve the problem Y/n, it will remain as it is, you can't be a Mom, you can't give me a child, if Not even if we've been together for the rest of our lives,

Y/n: Is child more important to you than me?

Namjoon: Yes, please, I am ready to give you half of my property, and whatever money you want, even keep this house, but please give me a divorce.


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