Chapter 6 ~ Queen ~

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They crept through the twisted red hallways quietly, the only sounds they could hear were their breathing and echoing footsteps. Damien had taken a torch from the wall earlier, because the halls seemed to be darker in some parts. Or maybe he just did it to make Alice feel more comfortable.

She felt like it had been forever since she'd last seen real light from the outside. When they came out and ran into a stairway, both hope and panic, an odd combination, filled Alice's heart.

They stood before a wide empty space with a well in the middle, surrounded by the castle walls. There was a rotting stench, irritating Alice's nose. Damien seemed used to it.

"What is that smell?"

"Nasty, isn't it?"

"Yes." She waited for an answer to her question, but none came. Instead, Damien just lead her further, walking casually in front of her as if she were his puppy, though she felt more like an innocent pig being led to the slaughter, with his broad shoulders and hat making him seem even taller and more powerful.

Everything was a mystery here and it made the place even more intimidating. She recalled Caterpillar's words with a shudder. Before she had time to realize where she was, someone yelled her name. Robby!

"Alice? Alice, you bloody idiot! I'll be damned. What are you doing with the Mad Hatter? Where were you? You've caused me nothing but trouble." He was screaming his head off, trying to sound confident and angry, but the way his voice broke off a little or changed its pitch as he yelled told Alice otherwise. Robby was terrified and relieved to see Alice. 

"The Mad Hatter?" Alice glanced at Damien, who casually stood leaning on the wall with his arms crossed.

"They call me that here. Everyone has a nickname." Damien raised his hand to clarify that it's really him.

"You shouldn't associate with him, Alice." Robby's whispered tone of voice was low, threatening almost. He seemed to like to scare people, that Robby.

"Might I ask why?" Alice questioned.

"Not now." And before she could add a complaint, Robby was yet again tugging at her hurriedly. They sprinted out of the space with the smelly well and to the main door. As soon as the gaurds saw them, they opened it and Alice was let in to her most feared castle.

The queen. I'm meeting the queen. Will I be okay? Her thoughts whirling, she pulled at her sleeves nervously. Don't show your breathing, she told herself with caution and quickly looked up when Robby poked her in the ribs. 

The inside was oddly set, with differently sized or shaped mirrors on each wall and skulls she couldn't identify above each of the mirrors. The walls where painted white with red spots, which reminded the shaken Alice of puddles of blood. Maybe it was just her imagination merging with fear and intimidation. She looked into one of the smallest mirrors, her head the only part of her that fit in the reflection. The mirror had a plain, round, black frame and it wouldn't have seemed so strange if not for the dozens of small pointy teeth stuck to it. Her face looked normal and to calm herself, she forced a smile into the mirror.

Eyes widening, she silently gasped when she saw her smile was missing something and stepped backwards, reaching for Robby in the process. Her teeth were gone, the reflection was only a head with a completely toothless grin and streams of blood flowing from its mouth as if...someone tore the teeth out. Alice nearly screamed, but before she could, Robby wrapped his arm around her mouth. When he let go of her, she was on the verge of tears.

"Ro-Robby...There was-I was missing," but she shook her head and pulled away from him. "I don't want to stay here." As soon as she finished the sentence, an arm flew at her face, slapping her hard and leaving a red mark behind. She stumbled and stared at Robby in shock. Alice thought that for a second, he looked like he was about to cry, but then he shook his head and she noticed frustration in his eyes.

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