HE WHAT?!?!?!?!?!

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No POV. . .

" HE WHAT!?!?!?" Sam couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her grip on the phone tightened and she started shaking. She never thought of Danny the type to kill. . . Like, Danny was good. " Sam..." Sam jumped, forgetting she was on the phone. " You there?"

Sam nodded her head, mumbling something that sounded like a yeah. Sam's blood grew cold. She couldn't think strait, all thoughts on Danny. " Ill call Tuck, will be right over in 5 minutes." Sam said, She hung up and called Tuck. He too, was shocked by the words: Danny and killed.

Danny's POV...
I felt different. When I shot my dad, I thought and felt nothing other then an evil vibe. All I could do was watch my mom trying to wake him. I smiled to my self at her antics. I looked around. No one here... Thats good. I thought, I forgot that my loving sister was gone.

She might have went to tell Sam and Tuck... Wait... Sam and Tucker? I forgot about them!! There probably pissed!!! I scanned the room again. Jazz then walked in, a look of worried and confusion was all over her face. I shook my head. She should be worried. They thought that they could trussed a ghost? Well that was a mistake...

Sam's POV. . .
After I called Tucker I ran out of the house and ran strait to FentonWorks. Trying to hold in the tears and be brave. I really didn't want to think about this. I loved Danny. I mean, he was my best friend since kindergarten. I really didn't think he'd be the type to kill someone. I just hope he's there and not out killing another victim.

I didn't even bother to knock on the door. When I walked in, I could't believe what I saw. The walls ware blasted and smoke was slowly coming off of it. The lights war flickering on and off every now and then. The pillows to the couch wasn't even there. I here'd sobbing coming from the other side of the room. I walked over and found Mrs Fenton crying next to Mr Fenton.

All I could do was satire. He looked like he went to hell and back. And the worst part is that my friend did this. Danny did this to his own father. Why do I get the feeling that Vlad's some how behind this? I thought. When I find Danny he better hope that I don't suck him in the Fenton Thermos. I look around to make sure that Danny wasn't here.

Wait, wares Jazz? "DANNY!!!" I ran as fast as I could to the kitchen. I saw Jazz with her back against the wall. She looked tariffed. Then I looked over to see Danny with an evil smirk plastered on his face. He had his hands in front of him self. His hands glowed green and I knew I had to stop him before he shoots Jazz. "Danny, you don't want to do this." I said.

Danny's hands slowly returned to there normal white glow, as he turned his head to look at me. He narrowed his eyes at me and gritted his teeth. He walked up to me and glared. "What the hell is wrong with you." I don't know if its possible, but I think Danny's glare hardened. If looks could kill.

"I can't believe you, Danny" I said. I glared at Danny as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Holy shit!!" My eyes widen and I ran to the door. I saw Tucker, mouth gaping, eyes wide. He look like he was going to punch something. He looked over at us and glared at Danny.

"I knew I couldn't trust a ghost." I look over at Danny. And believe me when I say 'was he pissed'. Danny glared right back twice as hared. I looked down to see that Danny's hands ware let green. He walked over to Tucker and blasted him. I don't know how he managed to block that, but he did. He then pulled something out of his pocket and, aimed it at Danny, who blocked it by summersaulting out of the way. Danny blasted his ecto ray at Tucker, making him get blasted into the wall. He slid down and blasted Danny.

Danny stepped to the side of him, letting the blast go right past him. Danny shook his head. Tucker got up and pulled something out of his bookbag. To Danny's horror, it was a Fenton Thermos. Danny's eyes widen, Tucker didn't even give him a chance to fly away. A white light came out of it and sucked Danny in it, blinding us for a seconded. We all sighed.

Tuckers POV...
I put the lid back on the thermos and put it back in my bookbag. I couldn't believe that my friend did this. I should have known not to trust a ghost, but I thought that Danny was different. I thought that Danny would prove to the GIW that a full ghost wouldn't turn evil. But I guess that they ware right after all.

I just wish that I was here to stop it. Maybe Danny wouldn't have killed his father. "You guys okay?" I looked over to Sam and Jazz. Sam looked like she was about to burst to tears. Jazz had tears running down her face, leaving a trial behind. "No. My brother just tried to kill me." She sighed as she wiped the tears away. I felt bad. "What are we going to do about, Danny?"

Sam shrugged, a thoughtful look on her face. "We can't turn him in to the GIW and he can't stay here." Jazz said, she was coughing and sniffing a lot. Sam walked away and came back with a tissue, handing it to Jazz who took it with a smile. "We could take him to ClockWork. He might know whats going on." Sam said as she eyed my bookbag. I shook my head. "No, don't you think that he would of came right be for you said that?" We sat down on the couch and thought right before I got an idea.

I stood up and clapped my hands together. I smirked at the two before I said. "We need to take Danny to FrostBite!!!"

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