Chapter 14 - Battle of Trail~

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[Author side note. When I write internal dialog (character thoughts,) I use "example 1" to express what the characters are thinking. When I have the dialog as "example 2" it means they are still thinking and not speaking out loud, Anyway! I wanted to clarify the confusion- or any possible confusion.]


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He points the ball at Aizawa, his burning desire to prove him wrong evident.

"I won't allow THAT! I want others to rely on me—I've always aspired to be a hero—I'll say that a thousand times, even if those are my final words." Izuku turns forward, pulling his arm back. "My girlfriend—Satō, Yuno, Mikan, Junko, Mukuro, Maki! I won't hold anyone back. I'll show them a bright smile—just like All Might! I'll show everyone peace! I WON'T HOLD MY FRIENDS BACK—OR THOSE AROUND ME!"

With a deep, determined motion, Izuku sets his arm. "I'll lend those around me a helping hand! When they see my smile—no, when they see me! I want them to say nothing! I don't want Fame! I just want to SAVE EVERYBODY! I WANT TO HELP—I WON'T BE A USELESS DEKU!!!" Izuku hurls the ball, a shockwave of wind accompanying its trajectory, surpassing even Bakugou's.

He turns to Aizawa, clenching his wrist.

"See!" Izuku asserts, his broken finger throbbing with pain. "I told you I'll do it. I didn't break an arm—I didn't hold anyone back!" Excitement courses through him, and despite the pain, his eyes sparkle with the thrill of adrenaline.

"Izuku..." Maki's eyes widened; what she saw was something different. It's like his entire demeanor changed, and something in Izuku—she could see it. "It... so bright– I have chills—" Maki rubbed her shoulders, feeling a chill run over. "Why?! Why do I feel like this?!"

"I Belong Here! Aizawa-Sensei!" shouted our protagonist!

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After Izuku defiantly showcased his determination to overcome his quirk's drawback, he stood there, gripping his wrist.

Abruptly, a thunderous, enraged voice shattered the air.

Turning swiftly, Izuku locked eyes with Bakugou, his palms crackling with the explosive power of his quirk as he charged relentlessly toward him.


"Wait— Wait!" Panic etched across Izuku's face as he scanned the frozen surroundings, grappling with uncertainty.

Aizawa's eyes registered the unfolding chaos, convinced that the day couldn't become any more bizarre.

But then, an unexpected twist intervened.

A purplish mold materialized, chaining itself around Bakugo's wrist with unyielding strength, halting his furious advance.

Junko nonchalantly blew on her finger, a sinister smile playing on her lips as she unveiled her quirk in front of Izuku for the first time.

The chains, dark and cold with a purple hue, held Bakugo in check as he thrashed angrily against the newfound restraint, the atmosphere crackled with tension as the unexpected turn of events unfolded before them.

"Whoa— Ease up, buddy!" Junko chirps, her tone playful and her grin mischievous. "Can you hear them, Bakugo?" With a dramatic flourish, she spreads her arms wide, inviting chaos to reign. "Mmm! Don't resist! LET IT SEEP INTO YOUR SOUL! MWAHA— Hehe! HAHA!" A dribble of excitement escapes the corner of her mouth, her face flushed with exhilaration, and her eyes whirl into a frenzy of manic delight.

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