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"Mom." Ashton whined, "Stop being weird you're gonna scare Luke off and then I won't be able to see my husband in concert!" He said watching in disgust as he watched Anne dance around with a chicken as she stuffed it with spices and lathered barbecue sauce on it.

"Oh sweetheart, shut up. Also go make yourself look presentable. You look like you just rolled out of bed." Anne replied continuing with the chicken, humming along to the radio.

Ashton scoffed and looked down at his attire. It's what he usually wore, a pair of black skinnies and a band tee. "You're so mean to me, why couldn't you be a mom who compliments me."

"You are very handsome, thank god you got my genes." Anne said back, not bothering to look at her eldest son.

Ashton just stared blankly at her, "Be less weird." He told her and turned to go out of the kitchen and up to his room.

"Be less annoying!" He heard her call back.

Ashton; I seriously hope you don't abandon me after you meet my mom

Luke; its alright, can't be worse than my mom

Ashton; does your mom dance around with a uncooked chicken as she gets it ready to grill?

Luke; she probably has

Ashton; let's make a club, the weird mom club

Luke; wOw ash nice name ur sooooo creative

Ashton; stfu I don't need your negativity in my life

Luke; no but u need me bc ya know, concert

Ashton; after the concert I'll be dropping you

Luke; right, like that'll happen

Ashton; it will

Luke; it won't

Ashton; it will

Luke; but like what if we have sex and u get pregnant then you'll have to stay

Ashton; that happens to like 1 out of 100000 men I'm sure I'd be good

Luke; are u implying that we'll be having sex then? :D

Ashton; no, god I was just saying

Luke; but my dick is great

Ashton; alright?

Luke; have sex with me

Ashton; nO

Luke; rude

Ashton; fuck off

Luke; u fuck off

Ashton; no you fuck off

Luke; maybe fuck off with be our always

Ashton; fuck off.

Luke; <33 anyways when should i come over later

Ashton; um like 6 i guess

Luke; okay ;-)

Ashton; stop with the dumb nose it's stupid

Luke; ur stupid

Ashton; nice comeback


"Ash! Luke is here and you're right, he is a cutie." Anne yelled up the stairs then there was a laugh.

Ashton's eyes widened, "Mom!" He scowled because he told his mom that out of confidence. Running a hand through his hair he made his way downstairs.

11:12 ; Lashton ✓Where stories live. Discover now