2nd Ramadan

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Aslamualikum everyone :)

Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle (peace be upon him) said: "Whoever establishes prayers during the nights of ramadan faithfully out of sincere faith and hoping to attain Allah's rewards (not for showing off), all his past sins will be forgiven." (Bukhari)

2nd Ramadan...19 june 2015 (Friday)

Dear Diary,

the month of Ramadan is a blessing, nothing should stop a person from doing the right thing

and our mood shouldn't get in the way either :)

It was an amazing Day Alhamdulilah but unlike yesterday i wasn't fresh or active even though i slept

just two hours at night i couldn't sleep at the morning i tried a lot but nothing helped and i had a hugeeee headache.

After struggling for two and half hours and still not getting a single minute of sleep i jumped out of bed, everyone was sleeping

except me so i thought to recite Quran for sometime and after an hour later i switched on the laptop because i wanted to do something

and i couldn't think of anything, i would draw something or cook but i wasn't in the mood nor had the energy .

half an hour later and i couldn't take it anymore i went to my parents room to tell my mom i cannot sleep HELP ME ! Lol

but instead i asked her to wake up she was going to wake up after 10 minutes so i think that was okay it wasn't too early 9 AM probably

and finally my parents woke up and i was kinda happy that i'm not alone the real reason was i wanted to go shopping or i knew

i would get mad because i couldn't sleep at all. i bought some oil pastels and a puzzle but you know what? :O it was a 3D Puzzle

all fun gone i should have seen that but i was in hurry to get home and when we came back home and i found my sister Rabiya is still

sleeping i said oh so you were the one who stole away my sleep i'm sure she didnt heard that because she was sleeping Lol :P

then my siblings started unpacking the puzzle and that was the moment i came to know it wasn't a normal puzzle

Me and my sister Mahra spend some time on it and we just got the beginning in 20 minutes and called ourselves Engineers :P


Diary, you know when i was the happiest in all day ? let me tell you when i prayed Zuhr after that my sister was reciting Quran

i asked her to give it to me when she's done coz i recite from that Quran only but after few minutes of lying beside her on the bed in a

position where my feet are hanging down the bed i started to feel sleepy and finally i slept . i woke up after 2 hour 45 mins exactly

and i was happy that i finally got some sleep :D Yayyy If i wouldn't be able to sleep i would blame insomnia :P hehe

 it was a good day Alhamdulilah i had headache but tried not to get on anyone's nerves :p and that's the thing about fasting

you just not refrain from eating and drinking but from evil actions, thoughts, and words too. The tongue shouldn't backbite or gossip,

the eyes sholdn't look at unlawful things, the hands shouldn't touch or take anything that doesnt belong to it. The ears should also

refrain from listening to bad, idle talks. The feet should also refrain from going to sinful places, see thats how every part of the body

is fasting. :) 

See you tomorrow In sha ALLAH, my diary ♥ 

A/N I hope everyone is enjoying the blessings of the holy month of Ramadan :)

May ALLAH Bless you all, and dear readers this book is a way too simple i know but  i'm just sharing how even simple things can be so meaningful & that even a small good deed counts :) 

May ALLAH gives us all the strength to fast this Ramadan....AMEEN :) 

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