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before We Get Into This I Wanna Let

You Know A Little Disclaimer Nothing

In My CrossoverAU Is Cannon It’s Like

It’s Own Version Of It’s Lore Some

Charecters In This Logbook Doesn’t

Exists Cannonly This Is Like It’s Own

Cannon Because My CrossoverAU

Adds More Family Members To The

Afton Family & Has A Mixture Of

Different Things Cannonly Some May

Hate NinaTheKiller But In My

CrossoverAU NTK Is Actully More

Likeable To The Point It's Wholesome

yes Her Ship Is NinaTheKiller X

JeffTheKiller But I Toned Down Her

Fangirling To A Moderate Level &

Gave Her An Elder Sister Vibe To .

Whom She Warms Up To//Approach

Aka Adopts Her One Bestfriend Is One

Of Her Enemies Also I Know

Ticci Toby Isn’t In The Fandom

Anymore But I Ended Up Keeping

Him Because I just couldn't let go of

His Charecter & felt the Creepypastas

Wouldn't be the same I just couldn't

easily let go of such an amazing

charecter too bad he's discontinued I

heard through the grape vine that his

Creator was trying to ship a minor

With an adult so he canceled Ticci

Toby because nobody was shipping

Slenderman X Ticci Toby but those

are just rumors we shouldn't jump to

Conclusions anyways I will probably

update thos Logbook occasionally just

nawt often because I have other

platforms I have to post on a

Schedule so I'm Started with the

Grandparents this is basically

something I'll update when I have

CrossoverAU Ideas to add//update

Information onto each Charecters

within my AU anyways enjoy the 1st

chapter It’s A Grandparent

CrossoverAU LogbookWhere stories live. Discover now