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Erin and Jay were at the scene, which involved sex trafficking. 

"So, this note, was in the shopkeepers hand." Jay explained.

Voight took the note, and read it.

"Alright, work the scene, radio if you see anything, Jay, a word?" Hank asked.

Jay nodded, and walked with Hank.

"You talk to North?" Hank wondered.

"Yeah, he said, he'll arrest me and Erin, or I'll give him you." Jay explained.

Hank nodded, and spoke.

"Then, I turn myself in." Hank nodded.

"No, that's what I was afraid of, your not turning yourself in." Jay shook his head.

"Jay-." Hank stopped.

"No, I've done everything you've said, now it's my turn, I'm not letting Erin get in on this, It's me or you, together." Jay responded.

Jay didn't let Hank speak, as he walked off.

"Damn it." Hank mumbled. 

Adam had news, and Jay stood next to Erin.

"So, I checked in with the janitor at the store, he said, he hid, when he heard shots." Adam told the unit.

Hank nodded, and spoke.

"Alright, we head back to the district, let's nail this son of bitch." Hank ordered.

The unit all walked to their cars, and Erin spoke to Jay.

"Hey, where were you last night? You didn't come home." Erin questioned.

"Oh, Yeah, drinks with Voight." Jay lied.

"Hmm, okay, well, Lily wants to show you, what she made at school." Erin explained.

"I'll be home, tonight, I promise." Jay promised.

Erin nodded, and drove off.

Soon. The unit arrived at the district, and started searching all databases, and footage.

"So, I checked with the manager, and she claimed that, Logan checked into the swimming pool, the diner, and his hotel room, I forgot the name of the place." Kevin explained.

"A Hotel resort." Kim stated.

"That's the place." Kevin nodded.

Erin looked over at Jay, who was looking at his computer.

"So, I found, that the shopkeeper's name is Daniella Wilson, she has a daughter called. Amy Wilson, she's been in and out of rehab, for the past two years, she had been trafficked for about five months, hasn't been found." Erin reported.

"Wait? Amy Wilson? Damn." Jay sighed.

"Something you wanna share, Jay?" Hank asked.

"Yeah, when I was undercover in Brady, she was there." Jay replied.

"So, you and Erin, take it." Hank suggested.

Erin and Jay grabbed their Jackets, and walked downstairs.

"Everyone contact your Ci's." Hank ordered.

The unit nodded, and worked on the case.

Hank walked into his office, and shut the door.

In Jay's truck. Erin could tell he was in a mood.

"Jay, your in a mood, what's going on? I'm your wife, talk to me." Erin stressed.

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