Chapter 4: Near Death Experience

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Uzi and Carolynn finally arrive at the Corpse Spire, nervous yet determined. They will get those parts no matter what. Were they gonna get hurt? Maybe, but it would be worth it.
"Okay. Caro, you stay close to me." Uzi said. "It's best for us to stay close.
"Got it!" Carolynn replied enthusiastically.
"Don't be too loud though. They might hear you." Uzi told Carolynn, who nodded her head as a response.

While the 2 Worker Drones were searching for parts for their weapons, 2 male Dissasembly Drones swoop down on to the crashed landing pod in the middle of the spire. One of them held 2 Worker Drone heads and offered one to the other.
"Yo, Biscuit Boy. You want one?" He asked.
"Yeah! Toss it over to me, O!" The cap-donned drone replied.
They crushed the heads and drank the oil out of them.

Uzi and Carolynn were hiding behind a small pile of discarded bodies.
"What kind of nickname is "Biscuit Boy"???" Carolynn whispered.
"Shhhh, not so loud, they'll hear us..." Uzi replied.

Just as when Uzi said that, Carolynn saw two yellow Xs in a shattered piece of glass.
"Oh robogod..." She whispered.
"Lemme guess, they noticed us?" Uzi replied.
"Yep. Get the guns." Carolynn responded.

The two Dissasembly Drones swoop close to Uzi and Carolynn, who have their weapons at the ready. Carolynn used her agility the best she could against one of them, a Dissasembly Drone with fluffy, blonde hair, a pair of goggles resting on top of his head and a striped shirt under a black jacket. Meanwhile Uzi was having a hard time with the one she was fighting, a grey-haired, pilot-cap-donning Dissasembly Drone, due to how big her railgun was, but she did manage to fit a backflip in there somehow.
"Woah, and they said pirating all that anime was useless..." she said surprised.
"NOW IS NOT THE TIME, UZI!" Carolynn said, still locked in battle with one of the two Dissasembly Drones.

After they said that, the pilot drone stabbed Uzi in the hand with the acid stinger on his tail. It left a stinging, painful hole in her hand. She scrambled for her railgun while Carolynn was fighting the other drone with the photon pistol in her hand.
"Do we take the shot now?" Uzi asked, pained by the hole in her hand.
"I think it's the best that we do." Carolynn replied.
"Okay. 3, 2, 1... BITE US!!!" responded Uzi as the two girls pulled the triggers on their respective weapons, making 2 large beams of light wipe the two Dissasembly Drones' heads off. As they fell to the snowy ground, the two girls stood there absolutely flabbergasted.
"Did we just..?" Carolynn asked.
"I think we did... SUCK ON THAT, DAD!" Uzi replied energetically.

But then, the Dissasembly Drone heads began regenerating??? The two Worker Drones scrambled to find other weapons, but all they could scrounge up was a dicarded arm and a discarded leg. Once their heads fully reformed(albeit with one of their head-bulbs malfunctioning each), Uzi slapped the pilot hat wearing drone with the discarded arm as Carolynn knocked over the goggle-wearing drone with the discarded leg. They just stared back, confused.
"Did you just slap me with that arm???"
"And did you just knock me down with that leg???"
"Holy crap, they talk." The two girls say with a mild tone.
"Yeah, sorry... It just that I have a bit of a headache... Hey, N. You have a headache too?" The goggle-wearing drone asked.
"Yep... Sure do... Hey, are these guys new to our squad?" He asked back.
"I dunno... They seem a little bit short for Dissasembly Drones..."
The pair squinted at Uzi and Carolynn, their tails twitching in curiousity. The head-bulbs were their real eyes and one of them just so happened to form wrong on each of them, so they weren't able to tell Worker Drones from Dissasembly Drones.
"I'm Serial Designation O! The one in the hat is N." O said after a thorough squinting.
"Hello! Nice to meet you!" N happily replied with a salute and a smile. "I'm kinda the leader of the squad around here-"
"He isn't." O said, cutting off N's sentence.
"O!!! You ruined my chance to impress myself infront of the newbies!!! Ah, biscuits..." N sadly replied. "Oh well, honesty is the best policy! Hehe... Hey, O, do you remember the past 3 hours of your life?"
"Nope, but I'm sure it'll sort itself out." O replied.
"Uh huh... Right... We...have to go..." Carolynn said as she and Uzi were just about to leave. Uzi then winces in pain as the acid hole in her hand stings her a bit.
"Did your friend sting herself?" O asks.
"Yeah..?" Carolynn replies, trying to play along to not get turned into robo-mincemeat.
"Well, just pop it in your mouth! Our saliva neutralises the nanites in the acid. Otherwise we'd constantly be dissasembling ourselves..." N replies, almost about to sting himself before O grabs on to the acid container on N's tail.
"And by "Our saliva" you mean..." Uzi asks.
"...Dissasembly Drone saliva?" Everyone replies.
"Riiiight, got it... Hey, why don't we all go in that landing pod over there?" Uzi says, pointing to the crashed pod.
"Sure! I love doing anything!" N replies.
"Eh, why not?" O replies.
"Heck yeah, pod time!" Carolynn replies.

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