Dum spiro, spero

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Hello guys!
Hope y'all are doing well.
So this is gonna be my first story. I haven't written anything before, so I hope y'all appreciate it and like it.
Ignore my writing skills cause it can get cringey few times
So this story as... can be made out by the title is about a bully and a girl.
I know I know....a very common one , but few common ones can be good you know.

Dum spiro,spero - while I breathe, I hope
(Latin phrase)


Well, new day as usual but not really the same. Today is Sunday. A very gleeful day. But guess what? Instead of studying or just watching some favorite webseries, I am being forced to work.

Should be considered as child labour though.

I have to go, bring some of the files from my mom's work place . I still don't know where my mom works. It's been a whole month since we have shifted from London to New York. I haven't been much familiar with all of the places yet. Just a few ones I know when my mom took time to show us NY.

I don't know why people hype New York so much. I mean its good but not my preference.

My mom always took us to show new places in New York whenever she would not go to her office. My mom's a lawyer. Not a very famous one but she's known for winning 80% of the cases. I don't really understand laws very well so I already backed out of all that. We had moved to New York because my mom got a new job that's better paid off than the previous one. She's an assistant of a lawyer who works for a huge buisness kings of New York. Well, not really kings with crowns and all but the people here think that they are contributing to almost eighteen percent GDP of New York.

So, I am going to get those files from wherever she's telling me to bring.

Yet, adress to be known.

My mom's actually facing trauma, cause of my stupid brother. I don't really want to insult my brother but he deserves it.He's 20 and doesn't even have a brain of a 2 year kid. My cousin who is 4 right now speaks more maturely than him.

He was playing basketball last week and fractured his left leg.

Whoa! How am I controlling myself from jumping on his leg and enjoying him scream in pain?

My brother has an appointment with doctor and my mom's taking him. And I, have to go get those shitty files.

We aren't very rich or very poor. We can just manage our expenses till the month's over.

Call it middle class.

It's already nine in morning and my mom said me to start by eight, because the head of the house would reach by ten, and my mom didn't want to me to appear in his sight. I sigh glancing at the wall clock and get ready as fast as possible. I take out my white dress upto knee length which has some flowers on it. Then I just wear my smart watch and tie my hair into a mid high pony tail. Grab my phone out of the charger, I start moving downstairs as I hear my mom screaming my name already in frustration.

I climb downstairs and notice my mom is already pissed off by me. But as if I care. I know she's forever in an angry mood because of her work timings. I move to get my shoes as she lifts her head from her phone.

"When did I ask you to head out, Sam?"she demands as I sit to wear my beige sneakers.

"Mom please, it's Sunday and you are making me work," I frett, standing up.

"Yes Sam, I know it's Sunday, but it's really important for me to get those files today. Can't you help your mom for just one day?" She pleads as if she's going to cry any moment. To be honest my mom suddenly makes me feel like she's a teen who's going through puberty.

"Yes mom, I understand and that, is the reason, I am going and getting those files," I state, heading to open to the door to get out. Not wanting any of the drama early in morning , especially on Sunday.

"Where are you going?". An ugly voice stops me from walking as I turn and see my brother hopping to reach the sofa.

"She's going to get my files from my office," My mom informs and hands him cheese sandwich. Ah! I really needed that to charge up but sadly not the right time.

Well, I actually believe that anytime is the right time to EAT.

"I know mom. But does she know where to go?"My brother looks at me in a mocking way which means, I need to really break his leg. Another one. He's been really annoying since he broke his leg. Correction, He's always annoying.

"Yes, right. I forgot to inform you the adress Sam," My mom starts texting me the adress. And as I turn to see my brother burying his grin while chewing the delicious sandwich.

Mom texts me the adress and I start booking an Uber. I would have taken a bus or my mom's car but I wasn't familiar with the routes.

Uber arrives and I move towards the white Sudan. As the car moves, I start my favourite song playlist.

After few minutes later, I open my eyes to look at where I am right now.And there are huge colonies passing by with huge buildings. I wonder what would be the life of people living so luxuriously.

After few minutes passing, all the colonies vanish and I could see a big mansion which looked like a castle still too far but looked really big. The area around was all green with not many people moving. I could only see few men wearing a black suit as if it was some dress code. They all looked like they were on duty as of security men of a President. I hear a buzz from my phone as I lift up my mom's call."Honey, Did you reach there?" My mom asks as she seems nervous for the reason I don't know.

"No mom, I guess it'll take some more time," I answer thinking that there's no apartment or a building seen except for that Mansion .

"Mam, we have reached the destination," The driver informs. My eyes widen when I see a huge mansion standing in front of me. So tall that it took almost a minute to see the terrace of it.

"Good, you have reached early. I hope there won't be any problem and you can get the files from my manager. I will call him and inform that you've arrived," Mom says breaking me from my thoughts of drooling over the this big mansion.

"Okay, call me when he wants to see me," I say as I get out of the car and pay the driver.

After the cars moves, again, after seeing the mansion I am still shocked to even move even an inch from where I am standing.

I see a couple of guards standing near the big gate which has an amazing design. The guards wore the same uniform like I saw other men, on my way.

I slowly approach towards the gate and greet the guard. And look over the big carvings on the wall attached to the gate. It writes:

"Jones Mansion"


Author's Note

Ah! First chapter done. I hope y'all enjoyed. And if not then don't get disappointed. You have to still meet many interesting characters.

I can't wait to write next chapter. I really like Samaira's character until now. And I swear it gets more better when she interacts with her fellow co characters in this book.

Stay tuned! More excitement awaiting.

One last thing. Please don't judge my writing skills. There maybe mistakes here and there , so please ignore and give me all your support.


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