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I woke up, I felt nice and rested. I opened up my window blinds expecting sun to rise and shine, but instead saw the sun setting. I didn't recall sleeping this much, I should probably visit a doctor about this matter.

I dressed up and groomed myself to not look like I just woke up from a twenty-six hour sleep even though I just did. I was about to drink some water when I heard a little tap-tap somewhere.


I slowly tip-toed towards the door and unlocked it, but no one was there. But the sound of someone tapping something did not stop.


I got puzzled, scared. What if...that guy is in my balcony and tapping the glass slide door? I checked the glassdoor with a little peek like a coward and thankfully it was not the thing I anticipated. There was no one there.


The tapping did not stop, I felt it ringing in my head, wanting me to find him, wanting me to play his little game. To see me scared, and helpless, people like it don't they? All those horror games I played, people liked to see me play, all scared and to keep going.

I stopped for a second to listen to the sound again, it seemed like it was comming from a room, not from my front door...


I quickly rushed to the kitchen and armed myself with a knife. The tapping sound continued, and I slowly moved towards it. This ends right now and here.

Each tap sound counted my steps,


I opened the door cautiously from which I thought the sound came from, there was again, no one there. But I did see it, a man in full black standing and creepily watching me and tapping the window.

Before I could utter a single word, he simply rushed away out of my sight. I held the knife close to me, it was the only thing that made me feel a little bit safer.

I quickly took out my phone and messaged my only hope,

Mitsu : Ayona! That stalker found my house! What do I doooo???

Ayona : Woah, chill, just arm yourself with something and lock all your doors.

Mitsu : Should I call the police?

Ayona : No, don't go to the police just yet, you don't have enough evidence to prove that you are being stalked. Go by the next morning.

Mitsu : Ok...

I suddenly dropped my phone down as I heard it again...


I was about to step out of the room I was in, but my phone was spewing out notifications. I picked it up and I was well...streaming?

PizzaDogs092 : Don't go out Mitsu!

gefeiuweu101 : Wait until he comes in and use your knife. Let that stalker taste some of his own blood

MemoryofButterfly2 : Stay behind the door and wait for him to come, stab him from behind

ILove_Mitsu : Whatever you do, you are mine :>

MemoryofButterfly2 : Mitsu! NOW!

I swiftly hid myself behind the door like a child playing hide and seek, I was shivering so much that I struggled to stand straight and not make a noise.

I heard a door slide was the balcony glass door. The faint footstep became louder and louder, my heart kept up the suspense while beating as fast as fear filled me in. My whole chat was brutally yelling at me to just end him.

"Mitsu~" the voice sang as the door opened slowly.

gefeiuweu101 : NOW!

MemoryofButterfly2 : NOW IS THE TIME MITSUUU!

PizzaDogs092 : DO IT MITSU! NOW!

I quickly slid aside and without a second thought plunged the knife in his left chest, hoping it would be his heart. The intruder didn't let out a single sound, he fell down on his back and didn't move a finger. I bent down cautiously and checked his pulse, he was dead.

B-But...did I just kill someone...on stream? Live...infront of everyone?

Then I heard a sharp creaking sound of my front door opening, I quickly threw the knife which was in my hands far away to the ground

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Then I heard a sharp creaking sound of my front door opening, I quickly threw the knife which was in my hands far away to the ground. I killed someone.

A figure walked in, I was relieved, it was Ayona.

"Ayona I was so scared thank god you are here-"

I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my stomach and the knife was in her hand, she was smiling gracefully. I was a fool.

"You should have gone to the police, 'friend' " she quoted the word with her fingers as she stabbed me once more. I couldn't scream, yell for help, I was done.


I gasped my breath as I woke up throwing my bedsheets away in a panic. I looked around here and there, it was peaceful. I was still very much alive.

Was that all a dream? Oh boy, that was a bad one. I looked out of the window, it was broad daylight. My heart was still racing after witnessing all that even if it was indeed a dream or a nightmare suits it much better.

I really wanted to skip college and report to the police that I was being stalked right then and there but, I can't miss college, I have a very important exam today. I will go straight to the police office right after that, I thought.


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