Chapter 14: One More 🌶️ 🌶️

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"Again!" Ebony pulls herself up from the cold stone floor and steadies herself as James backs away. Her face is dripping in sweat and her t-shirt clings to her frame from hours of sparring with James. Her body is sore but the pain is nothing more than a dull ache in the back of her consciousness, the fire of determination fueling her as she steps forwards. James lifts his hands in defeat, chuckling, his long blond hair slick with sweat.

"I think that's enough for today." Ebony frowns and he laughs again. "Theo made me promise, remember?" Ebony rolls her eyes.

Theo had left them in the training room only after reminding James that if he hurt Ebony in any way... Theo had finished the threat telepathically, which is something Ebony had learned this morning, he can do with the members of his pack. It wasn't hard to guess the exact concept of what Theo had threatened, but none the less James was smirking as Theo exited the room.

"You're not going to hurt me, James." Ebony jumps forward and aims a strike at his chest which he easily blocks, guiding the force of her punch to the side and making her stumble. Recovering quickly, Ebony grins and settles her weight onto one leg, spinning the other around and kicking the back of James' left knee hard. His leg buckles and her palm collides with his chest, sending him completely off balance.

"Okay, okay, enough!" James laughs as Ebony throws another punch in the direction of his jaw and he grabs her wrist gently. A grin creeps onto her face.

"What's the matter Macoy? Scared I'll kick your ass?" James laughs and releases her wrist, shaking his head.

"That's not going to work on me, Ebony." He looks down at her with a gaze of amusement mixed with a hint of admiration. Ebony takes a step towards James but he takes a larger step back.

"Really? Why not?" Ebony grins and opens her mouth to speak again but gasps as a strong pair of arms wrap around her sweaty torso and a low voice growls in her ear.

"Because he is doing as he was told." Ebony squirms as Theo's arms wrap more tightly around her. She is suddenly extremely conscious of just how sweaty her clothing is and she's sure if this were a cartoon she would have clouds of stink fumes emanating from her.

"Theo, don't..." She groans and tries to wriggle away. "I'm so gross right now and I smell like a pig pen." Theo scoops her up and nuzzles into her sweaty neck, his nose rubbing over her mark. Ebony makes a noise of disgust and he chuckles deeply.

"You're mine, little one, stinky or not." Theo plants a kiss over her mark before setting her back on her feet and turning to James.

"Well, how did she do?" James grins at Ebony as she bites back a sarcastic remark. He looks down at his shirt soaked with sweat and shakes his head.

"She's a force to be reckoned with, that's for sure." Ebony blushes but a smirk flashes across her face and she becomes intently focused on her shoelaces.

"So she's learning quickly, good." Theo's business-like tone sparks something in Ebony and she clears her throat. Both men turn to Ebony as she crosses her arms.

"She is standing right here." Her heart skips a beat as the silence that follows grows longer and longer. Has she upset them? Has she gone too far? Both Theo and James' faces are unreadable. Ebony's defiant stance softens ever so slightly and she swallows a bit harder than she means to.

The silence is broken as Theo and James burst out laughing. Despite the annoyance itching at her, Ebony can't help the smile that creeps onto her face as the two powerful werewolves, for a brief moment, laugh as if they were just two boys who have been friends for many years, sharing a very old and memorable joke. James takes a step forward and bows to Ebony, making her shift uncomfortably.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2023 ⏰

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